

  1. kard sata, satanen


englanti A hotchpotch, a mixture; especially a piece made up of quotations from other authors.
Now look out in the GRADUS for Purus, and you find as the first synonime, lacteus, for coloratus, and the first synonime is purpureus. I mention this by way of elucidating one of the most ordinary processes in the ferrumination of these Centos.
hundred, group of one hundred of something
(inflection of) (100).
a hundred
A garment of several pieces sewed together; a patchwork
A cap worn under the helmet
puhekieltä (l)


(l) (gloss)


cento rimmaa näiden kanssa:

hento, riento, ajatuksenriento, poljento, laskento, lento, vaakalento, matkalento, matalalento, sukkulalento

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