


  1. (lintu) kanarianhemppo m. kanarialintu



  1. väri-, kanariankeltainen, peippo, Serinus, suku Serinus, kanarialintu, kanarianhemppo, Serinus canaria.

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kanarialintu A small, usually yellow, finch (genus Serinus), a songbird native to the Canary Islands.
Any of various small birds of different countries, most of which are largely yellow in colour.
A light, slightly greenish, yellow colour.

(color panel)

A light, sweet, white wine from the Canary Islands.
1599, (w), s: The Merry Wives of Windsor|The Merry Wives of Windsor, III. ii. 80:
I will to my honest knight / Falstaff, and drink canary with him.
A lively dance, possibly of Spanish origin (also called canaries).
1598, (w), s: Alls Well That Ends Well|All's Well That Ends Well'', II. i. 74:
and make you dance canary / With sprightly fire and motion;
Any test subject, especially an inadvertent or unwilling one. (From the mining practice of using canaries to detect dangerous gases.)
puhekieltä A value placed in memory such that it will be the first data corrupted by a buffer overflow, allowing the program to identify and recover from it.
puhekieltä A female singer, soprano, a coloratura singer.
puhekieltä An informer or snitch; a squealer.
puhekieltä A (usually yellow) capsule of the short-acting barbiturate pentobarbital/pentobarbitone (Nembutal).
puhekieltä A yellow sticker of unroadworthiness.
Of a light yellow colour.
puhekieltä to dance nimbly (as in the canary dance)
1590, (w), s: Loves Labour's Lost|Love's Labour's Lost'', III. i. 11:
but to jig off a tune at / the tongue's end, canary to it with your feet,
puhekieltä to inform or snitch, to betray secrets, especially about illegal activities.


canary rimmaa näiden kanssa:

henry, sherry, sorry, curry, kärry, ostoskärry, peräkärry, country, jury, treasury

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