
Tarkoititko: canasta

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englanti The lowest class of people; the rabble; the vulgar.
1937, w:P._G._Wodehouse P. G. Wodehouse, w:Lord_Emsworth_and_Others|'Lord Emsworth and Others', Overlook, Woodstock: 2002, pp 99-100.
The President's Cup, for all its high-sounding name, was one of the lowliest and most humble trophies offered for competition to the members of our club... It had been instituted by a kindly committee for the benefit of the canaille of our little golfing world, those retired military, naval and business men who withdraw to the country and take up golf in their fifties.
puhekieltä shorts Shorts or inferior flour.
puhekieltä rabble (collectively)
rascal, blackguard, scoundrel, scum


canaille rimmaa näiden kanssa:

lähimaille, likimaille, välimaille, varpaille, ratsaille, vaille

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