


  1. (tien tms.) kaltevuus



  1. kohdistaminen, kohdistus, camber-kulma, pystykallistuma, kupera muoto, kuperuus, kallistuma, kallistus, kaareutua, kaartua, käyristyä.

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kallistuma, kallistus

kaareutua, kaartua A slight convexity, arching or curvature of a surface of a road, beam, roof, ship's deck etc., so that liquids will flow off the sides.
2004, (w), (w), Bloomsbury, 2005, Chapter 1

From end to end, just behind the houses, ran the broad gravel walk, with its emphatic camber and its metal-edged gutters where a child's ball would come to rest and the first few plane leaves, dusty but still green, were already falling, since the summer had been so hot and rainless all through.
The slope of a curved road created to minimize the effect of centrifugal force.
puhekieltä An upward concavity in the underside of a beam, girder, or lintel; also, a slight upward concavity in a straight arch.
puhekieltä The alignment on the roll axis of the wheels of a road vehicle, where positive camber signifies that the wheels are closer together at the bottom than the top.
The curvature of an airfoil.
puhekieltä A small enclosed dock in which timber for masts (etc.) is kept to weather.
To curve upwards in the middle.
To adjust the camber of the wheels of a vehicle.

Because he cambered the tires too much, he had less control on the turns.


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