
Tarkoititko: cesium

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1965, (w), “Fado Português”:
O Fado nasceu um dia, / quando o vento mal bulia / e o céu o mar prolongava, / na amurada dum veleiro, / no peito dum marinheiro / que, estando triste, cantava.
: fado Fado was born one day, / when the wind was blowing hard / and the sky was extending the sea, / in the bulwark of a ship, / in the chest of a sailor / who, being sad, was singing.
2003, w:J. K. Rowling|J. K. Rowling, w:Lya Wyler|Lya Wyler, Harry Potter e a Ordem da Fênix, Rocco, page 246:
Então continuaram a estudar enquanto o céu lá fora se tornava gradualmente mais escuro.
: Then they continued to study while the sky outside was becoming gradually darker.


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