


  1. limonadi

Liittyvät sanat: vitt brus


englanti (monikko) bru|lang=en
2009, De Tandem vzw, Brochure for workshop “Brussen aan het woord”
Beide organisaties realiseren daarom samen deze studiedag, waarin de plaats van brussen in de ondersteuning van gezinnen het centrale thema vormt.
: Both organisations together therefore organise this workshop, in which the place of siblings in the support of families is the central theme.
broken, crumbled, bits; dust
whetstone, grindstone
soda, (l) (carbonated water, both US), (l) (UK)
whetstone, hone
(l), (l)
noise; the sound of waves, wind, streaming water

du som stillar havens brus, deras böljors brus och folkens larm.

Which stilleth the noise of the seas, the noise of their waves, and the tumult of the people. (Psalms 65:7)

puhekieltä noise (not signal)

vitt brus

white noise


brus rimmaa näiden kanssa:

harus, sisarus, varus, vierus, seinänvierus, numerus, perus, virus, HI-virus, papilloomavirus

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