


  1. tuulahdus, tuulenvire

  2. paarma

Esimerkkejä breeze sanan käytöstä:

breeze fly



  1. helppo juttu, leikinteko, helppo homma, vaivaton juttu, helppo nakki, lastenleikkiä, läpihuutojuttu, iisi juttu, simppeli homma, lasten leikkiä, hanke, projekti, tehtävä, työ, tuulenvire, tuulenhenki, tuulenhenkäys, tuulahdus, tuulenviri, merituuli, henkäys, tuuli, ilmavirta, ilman virtaus.

Lisää synonyymejää




tuulenvire, tuulenviri


liitää A light, gentle wind.


(w) (1770-1850)
Into a gradual calm the breezes sink.
(RQ:Chmbrs YngrSt)
Breezes blowing from beds of iris quickened her breath with their perfume; she saw the tufted lilacs sway in the wind, and the streamers of mauve-tinted wistaria swinging, all a-glisten with golden bees; she saw a crimson cardinal winging through the foliage, and amorous tanagers flashing like scarlet flames athwart the pines.
Any activity that is easy, not testing or difficult.
puhekieltä Wind blowing across a cricket match, whatever its strength.
Ashes and residue of coal or charcoal, usually from a furnace. (w).
An excited or ruffled state of feeling; a flurry of excitement; a disturbance; a quarrel.
puhekieltä To move casually, in a carefree manner.
puhekieltä To blow gently.
(quote-journal) (Review)|date=21 January 2014|passage=She's sitting opposite a window that's gently breezing into her face, wafting her hair into cover-girl perfection ...
To take a horse under a light run in order to understand the running characteristics of the horse and to observe it while under motion.
A gadfly; a horsefly.
A strong-bodied dipterous insect of the family Tabanidae.
puhekieltä To buzz.

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