

  1. rehellisyys, rehtiys.

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englanti puhekieltä goodEnglish Good.
1966, Kenneth Horne, "Bona Tattoos" in: Round the Horne, series 2
SANDY: Oh, get him ! The vanity of the man. Well, p'raps not Nelson then. How about reproductions of great masterpieces?
JULIAN: A bona idea. Now, let me see...
1997, James Gardiner, Whos a pretty boy then?'', page 137
Will you take a varder at the cartz on the feely-omi in the naf strides: the one with the bona blue ogles polarying the omi-palone with a vogue on and a cod sheitel.
1997, Ian Lucas, "The Color of His Eyes: Polari and the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence" in: Anna Livia, Kira Hall (editors), Queerly Phrased: Language, Gender, and Sexuality, page 90
Bona to vada you.
(inflection of)
1910, L. L. Zamenhof, " Proverbaro Esperanta":
Mensoganto devas havi bonan memoron.
: A liar has to have a good memory.
A good or brave woman.
puhekieltä A bean
to see
to wax or polish a floor


puhekieltä to equip, to decorate, to dress, to wrap (see also ombona)
they, them (gloss)
it (gloss)
puhekieltä to see
puhekieltä to understand, to comprehend
puhekieltä to recognise
puhekieltä to seek out, to visit


  • bona: hyvä / hauska


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tohjona, leijona, rantaleijona, salonkileijona, merileijona, muotileijona, naarasleijona, muurahaisleijona, tarjona, ulkona

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