

  1. hyökkäys

  2. salamashakki

Esimerkkejä blitz sanan käytöstä:

Twitter went on another censorship 'blitz' today, targeting the account of President Trump and numerous conservative journalists and commentators as concerns and disputes about incoming election results continued to mount. (

Liittyvät sanat: bullet



  1. safety blitz, linebacker blitzing.

Lisää synonyymejää



tehdä salamahyökkäys jhk, hyökätä varoittamatta, pommittaa ankarasti


blitz A sudden (l), especially an (l); usually with reference to The Blitz.
puhekieltä A sudden effort.

a publicity blitz

puhekieltä The action of one or more defensive football players rushing the passer of the football.
puhekieltä blitz chess|Blitz chess, a form of chess with a short time limit for moves.
A swift and overwhelming attack.
puhekieltä To attack quickly or suddenly, as by an air raid or similar action.
puhekieltä To perform a blitz.

The Washington High defense almost always blitzes on third down.

puhekieltä To purée or chop (food products) using a food processor or blender.

To make nut roast, you have to blitz the nuts in the food processor before adding the parsley and breadcrumbs.

puhekieltä To do something quickly or in one session.
English blitz
random (l) (gloss)

Läheisiä sanoja

blastula, blazer, bleiseri, blini, blokata, blokkaus

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