

  1. moite

  2. syy (yleensä monikossa)

  3. Ottaa 'syyt' niskoilleen. To take 'the blame' (for doing something)



  1. kirottu, helvetinmoinen, samperinmoinen, siunatun, hiton, pahuksen, samperin, pahuksenmoinen, hiivatin, helvetin, pirunmoinen, saamarin, moite, syy, syyllisyys, vika, arvostelu, kritiikki, syyte, syyttäminen, syytös, syytteeseen asettaminen, syyttäminen rikoksesta, rikossyyte, itsensä syyllistäminen.

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syyttää censure Censure.

Blame came from all directions.

culpability Culpability for something negative or undesirable.

The blame for starting the fire lies with the arsonist.

responsibility Responsibility for something meriting censure.

They accepted the blame, but it was an accident.

To censure (someone or something); to criticize.
1590, Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene, III.ii:
though my loue be not so lewdly bent, / As those ye blame, yet may it nought appease / My raging smart ....
(RQ:Eliot Middlemarch)
These peculiarities of Dorothea's character caused Mr. Brooke to be all the more blamed in neighboring families for not securing some middle-aged lady as guide and companion to his nieces.
1919, (w), ‘The Oversight’, The Toys of Peace:
That was the year that Sir Richard was writing his volume on Domestic Life in Tartary. The critics all blamed it for a lack of concentration.
2006, Clive James, North Face of Soho, Picador 2007, p. 106:
I covered the serious programmes too, and indeed, right from the start, I spent more time praising than blaming.
puhekieltä To bring into disrepute.
1590, Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene, II.viii:
For knighthoods loue, do not so foule a deed, / Ne blame your honour with so shamefull vaunt / Of vile reuenge.
puhekieltä To assert or consider that someone is the cause of something negative; to place blame, to attribute responsibility (for something negative or for doing something negative).

The arsonist was blamed for the fire.


blame rimmaa näiden kanssa:

saame, koltansaame, madame, hame, nahkahame, pellavahame, tweedhame, vannehame, midihame, vekkihame

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