


  1. sänky

  2. patja

  3. vuode

  4. nukkumaanmeno

  5. laki|k=en aviovuode; avioliitto

  6. arkikieli|k=en sänkyynmeno, sukupuoliyhteys

  7. kukkapenkki, kasvipenkki

  8. uoma; pohja

  9. geologia|k=en kerros, juonne

  10. tekniikka|k=en alusta, perusta

Esimerkkejä bed sanan käytöstä:

river 'bed'


Liittyvät sanat: bed down , bed out



  1. sänky, vuode, peti, alusta, penger, perusta, fundamentti, kehilön alusta, painoalusta, makuuhuoneen kalusteet, antura, perustus, rakennuspohja, jalusta, kanta, pohja, perus, perusmuuri, alaosa, alapää, jalkopää, juuri, pohjatyö, alusrakenne, perusrakenne, tyvi, pinta.

Lisää synonyymejää

Liittyvät sanat: bed and breakfast, beduiini, beduiiniheimo.







asettua nukkumaan A piece of furniture, usually flat and soft, for resting or sleeping on.


A prepared spot to spend the night in.
puhekieltä One's place of sleep or rest.
puhekieltä Sleep; rest; getting to sleep.
puhekieltä The time for going to sleep or resting in bed; bedtime.
puhekieltä Time spent in a bed.
(quote-book)|title=My Prison Life|year=1907|page=181|passage=Some prisoners, indeed, are always up before the bell rings — such was my practice — they prefer to grope about in the dark to tossing about in the utter weariness of too much bed.
puhekieltä marriage Marriage.
(w) (1609-1674)
George, the eldest son of his second bed.
puhekieltä sexual Sexual activity.
A place, or flat surface or layer, on which something else rests or is lay laid.
The bottom of a body of water, such as an ocean, sea, lake, or river. (defdate)
An area where a large number of oysters, mussels, other sessile shellfish, or a large amount of seaweed is found.
1941, (w), (w), Chapter 18,
I knew that there were kelp beds and reefs which could rip the bottoms from boats down in Skedans Bay.
A garden plot.
(RQ:Chmbrs YngrSt)
Breezes blowing from beds of iris quickened her breath with their perfume; she saw the tufted lilacs sway in the wind, and the streamers of mauve-tinted wistaria swinging, all a-glisten with golden bees; she saw a crimson cardinal winging through the foliage, and amorous tanagers flashing like scarlet flames athwart the pines.
A foundation or supporting surface formed of a fluid.
The superficial earthwork, or ballast, of a railroad.
The platform of a truck, trailer, railcar, or other vehicle that supports the load to be hauled.
A shaped piece of timber to hold a cask clear of a ship ship’s floor; a pallet.
puhekieltä The flat part of the press, on which the form is laid.
A piece of music, normally instrumental, over which a radio DJ talks.
puhekieltä Any of the sections of a dartboard with a point value, delimited by a wire.
puhekieltä A layer or surface.
A deposit of ore, coal, etc.
puhekieltä the smallest division of a geologic formation or stratigraphic rock series marked by well-defined divisional planes (bedding planes) separating it from layers above and below.
puhekieltä The horizontal surface of a building stone.
puhekieltä The lower surface of a brick, slate, or tile.


puhekieltä A course of stone or brick in a wall.


bed rimmaa näiden kanssa:

tweed, lied, LED

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