

  1. kapitalisti, matkustaja, kuljettaja, lähetti, kantaja, haltija, omistaja, kuriiri, sanansaattaja, viestintuoja, surija, tuskailija, murehtija, vaikertaja, arkunkantaja.

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lähetti, viestintuoja


kantaja One who, or that which, bears, sustains, or carries.
Bible, 2 Chron. ii. 18

Bearers of burdens.
The bearer of unhappy news.
Someone who helps carry the coffin or a dead body during a funeral procession; pallbearer.


One who possesses a cheque, bond, or other notes promising payment.

I promise to pay the bearer on demand.

puhekieltä A domestic servant or palanquin carrier.
1888, Rudyard Kipling, ‘Watches of the Night’, Plain Tales from the Hills, Folio 2005, p. 60:
The bar of the watch-guard worked through the buttonhole, and the watch—Platte's watch—slid quietly on to the carpet; where the bearer found it next morning and kept it.
A tree or plant yielding fruit.

a good bearer

puhekieltä A strip of reglet or other furniture to bear off the impression from a blank page.
puhekieltä A type or type-high piece of metal interspersed in blank parts to support the plate when it is shaved.
(inflection of)


bearer rimmaa näiden kanssa:

weber, freelancer, cheerleader, outsider, loafer, schäfer, penger, suojapenger, rantapenger, tiepenger

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