


  1. tuskin, hädin tuskin, niukasti, napin



niukasti, vaatimattomasti

tuskin, nipin napin, töin tuskin puhekieltä By a small margin.
1748, w:David Hume|David Hume, w:Enquiries concerning the human understanding|Enquiries concerning the human understanding and concerning the principles of moral, Oxford University Press (1973), section 8:

It becomes, therefore, no inconsiderable part of science barely to know the different operations of mind,
1925, Walter Anthony and Tom Reed (titles), Rupert Julian (director), The Phantom of the Opera, silent movie
‘It is barely possible you may hear of a ghost, a Phantom of the Opera!’
puhekieltä Almost not at all.

The plane is so far away now I can barely see it.

Yes, it is barely visible.

{{quote-journal|date=October 23, 2011
puhekieltä merely.
1661, w:Robert Boyle|Robert Boyle, s:Sceptical Chymist|The Sceptical Chymist, page 29,
Now that fire do's not alwayes barely separate the Elementary parts, but sometimes at least alter also the Ingredients of Bodies (..)


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