
Tarkoititko: apologia

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englanti puhekieltä An expression of deliberation with oneself regarding uncertainty or doubt as to how to proceed.
2012, (w), ‘Text Messenger’, Literary Review 404:
Meanings are superposed in an aporia – not ‘either/or’, but ‘and/and’.
*2016, (w), Nutshell:
What they intend sickens and frightens them, and they can never speak of it directly. Instead, wrapped in whispers are ellipses, euphemisms, mumbled aporia followed by throat-clearing and a brisk change of subject.
puhekieltä An insoluble contradiction in a text's meaning; a logical impasse suggested by a text or speaker.
English aporia
(inflection of)


aporia rimmaa näiden kanssa:

teoria, ansaintateoria, taideteoria, peliteoria, malliteoria, systeemiteoria, atomiteoria, kamariteoria, kvanttiteoria, tieteenteoria

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