


  1. kävellä, mennä

  2. kulkea, liikkua

  3. (laitteista, mekanismeista) käydä

  4. voida

  5. olla jonkun kanssa, seurustella

Esimerkkejä andar sanan käytöstä:

andar planetas

El metro de Sevilla echa a andar. – Sevillan metro aloittaa liikennöinnin.

andar el reloj

¿Cómo andas? – Miten menee?

Juan anda con María


englanti to walk
to work (function)
to go, be

Ando bien.

Im alright.''

to go out (with someone)
(monikko) andi|lang=fo
(is-inflection of)
(apocopic form of)
to (l)
(senseid) puhekieltä to (l) (gloss)


(senseid) (indtr) to (l) (gloss)
(senseid) (indtr) to (l); to (l); to (l) by (gloss)
(senseid) puhekieltä to habitually or continuously be in the given state
(senseid) (indtr) to (l) around; to (l) to (gloss)
(senseid) (indtr) to (l) (with) (gloss)
(senseid) puhekieltä to (l); to (l); to (l) (gloss)
(senseid) puhekieltä to (l); to (l)
(l), (l) (gloss)
puhekieltä (l), (l)
to walk, to go
to amble, to travel
to ride
to function, to work, to go
to pass, to go by, to elapse
to go about; to busy oneself with

¿Cómo andarse en las redes sociales?.

How to go about social networks?.

Andaba en mis asuntos, cuando repentinamente se cortó la electricidad.

I was going about my business, when suddenly the power went out.

to be, to feel

¿Cómo andas?

How do you feel?

to go around, to move or spread from person to person

Anda el rumor de que don Fulano y doña Zutana están teniendo un amorío.

The rumor is going around that Mr. X and Ms. Y are having an affair.

Anda una tos que hay.

Theres a cough that's going around.''

puhekieltä to have been feeling; to feel emotions over a period of time

Ando solitario últimamente.

I have been feeling lonely lately.

to be in a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship with someone; to go out with

¿Quieres andar conmigo?

Do you want to be my boyfriend/girlfriend?

Juan anda con María.

Juan and María are dating.

puhekieltä to go away, to leave
puhekieltä to take out, to remove yourself

¡Ándate de mi presencia!.

Remove yourself from my presence!.

walk, pace, gait
behavior, manner


andar rimmaa näiden kanssa:

cheddar, udar

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