


  1. salliminen

  2. määräraha, johonkin määrätyt (ajoittaiset) varat

  3. avustus

  4. kokouspalkkio

Esimerkkejä allowance sanan käytöstä:

Without the kings will or the state's allowance. --Shak.

Liittyvät sanat: weekly allowance



  1. avustus, määräraha, vähennys, oikaisu, tarkistus, elinkustannuskorvaus, hyvitys arvonalennuksesta, alennus, kausittainen tarkistus, hyvitys.

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avustus, vähennys



tuki The act of allowing, granting, concede conceding, or admitting; authorization; permission; sanction; tolerance.
Without the king's will or the state's allowance. --w:William Shakespeare|William Shakespeare
acknowledgment Acknowledgment.
The censure of the which one must in your allowance overweigh a whole theater of others. --w:William Shakespeare|William Shakespeare
That which is allowed; a share or portion allotted or granted; a sum granted as a reimbursement, a bounty, or as appropriate for any purpose; a stated quantity, as of food or drink; hence, a limited quantity of meat and drink, when provisions fall short.
I can give the boy a handsome allowance. -- w:William Makepeace Thackeray|William Makepeace Thackeray.
abatement Abatement; deduction; the taking into account of mitigating circumstances; as, to make allowance for the inexperience of youth.
After making the largest allowance for fraud. -- w:Thomas Babington Macaulay|Thomas Babington Macaulay.
puhekieltä A customary deduction from the gross weight of goods, different in different countries, such as tare and tret.
A child's allowance; pocket money.

She gives her daughters each an allowance of thirty dollars a month.

puhekieltä A permissible deviation in the fineness and weight of coins, owing to the difficulty in securing exact conformity to the standard prescribed by law.
puhekieltä approval; approbation


puhekieltä license; indulgence
To put upon a fixed allowance (especially of provisions and drink); to supply in a fixed and limited quantity.

The captain was obliged to allowance his crew.

Our provisions were allowanced.


allowance rimmaa näiden kanssa:

freelance, trance

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