


  1. ottaa, omaksua, valita

  2. omaksua, hyväksyä

  3. adoptoida

Liittyvät sanat: adoption



  1. adoptoida, ottaa lapseksi, ottaa ottolapseksi, ottaa perheeseen, kannattaa, omaksua, valita, liittyä jhk, tajuta, kiinnostua, alkaa ymmärtää, hoksata, hyväksyä, kelpuuttaa, ottaa, ottaa vastaan, suostua, lainata, ottaa itselleen, saada, ottaa palvelukseen, palkata, täyttää jkn paikka, astua virkaan.

Lisää synonyymejää

Liittyvät sanat: adoptio, adoptiolapsi, adoptoida, adoptointi.





hyväksyä, ottaa

omaksua puhekieltä To take by choice into relationship, (non-gloss definition) child, heir, friend, citizen, etc.
puhekieltä To take voluntarily (a child of other parents) to be in the place of, or as, one's own child.

A friend of mine recently adopted a Chinese baby girl found on the streets of Beijing.

puhekieltä To obtain (a pet) from a shelter or the wild.

Were going to adopt a Dalmatian.''

puhekieltä To take by choice into the scope of one's responsibility.

This supermarket chain adopts several families every Yuletide, providing them with money and groceries for the holidays.

puhekieltä To take or receive as one's own what is not so naturally.


(quote-journal)|date=14 November 2014|passage=She Edwina, mother of (w) was indeed Amanda Wingfield, character in Williams' play (w) in the flesh: a doughty chatterbox from Ohio who adopted the manner of a Southern belle and eschewed both drink and sex to the greatest extent possible.
puhekieltä To select and take or approve.

to adopt the view or policy of another

These resolutions were adopted.

1876, (w), (w), Chicago: S.C. Griggs & Co., Article XIV, Section 71, p. 156,
Every society should adopt an order of business adapted to its special wants.

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