

  1. orja

Liittyvät sanat: enslave



  1. maaorja, orja, naisorja, orjatar, palkaton työntekijä, käskyläinen, välikappale, sätkynukke, kaleeriorja.

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rehkiä A person who is the property of another person and whose labor and also whose life often is subject to the owner's volition.
A person who is legally obliged by prior contract (oral or written) to work for another, with contractually limited rights to bargain; an indentured servant.
One who has lost the power of resistance; one who surrenders to something.

a slave to passion, to strong drink, or to ambition

A drudge; one who labours like a slave.
An abject person; a wretch.

Art thou the slave that with thy breath hast killd/ Mine innocent child?'' Shakespeare. Much Ado About Nothing.

A person who is forced against his/her will to perform, for another person or other persons, sexual acts or other personal services on a regular or continuing basis.
puhekieltä A device that is controlled by another device.
puhekieltä To work hard.

I was slaving all day over a hot stove.

puhekieltä To enslave.


puhekieltä To place a device under the control of another.

to slave a hard disk

2005, Simon Millward, Fast Guide to Cubase SX (page 403)
Slaving one digital audio device to another unit using timecode alone results in time-based synchronisation(..)
slaveEnglish slave
Slav, Slavic

Les langues slaves.

Slavic language

Avant le IXe siècle, on présume que les Slaves partageaient tous une langue à peu près identique appelée le slave commun, mais aucun écrit avant 860 ne peut le prouver.

(monikko) slavo|lang=it
puhekieltä fame, glory; (alternative form of)
a (l)


slave rimmaa näiden kanssa:

aave, agaave, haave, nuoruudenhaave, lemmenhaave, voitonhaave

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