

  1. vapaus, ehdonalaisuusaika

  2. koeaika

Esimerkkejä parole sanan käytöstä:

parole hearing ehdonalaiskuuleminen

parole officer ehdonalaisvalvoja

on parole

Liittyvät sanat: probation



  1. vapautus, vapauttaminen, ehdonalainen vapaus, ehdonalainen, salaisuus, salatiede, salasana, tunnussana, sana, vastasana, positiivinen identifikaatio, lupaus, kunniasana.

Lisää synonyymejää



ehdonalainen, ehdonalainen vapaus



päästää ehdonalaiseen vapauteen The release or state of a former prisoner under condition of compliance with specific terms of release.


The amount of time a former prisoner spends on limited release.
puhekieltä A word of honor, especially given by a prisoner of war, to not engage in combat if released.
puhekieltä Language in use, as opposed to language as a system.
puhekieltä The permission for foreigner who does not meet the technical requirements for a visa to be allowed to enter the U.S. on humanitarian grounds.
A watchword given only to officers of guards; distinguished from the countersign, which is given to all guards.
puhekieltä An oral declaration; see (m).
puhekieltä To release (a prisoner) on the understanding that s/he checks in regularly and obeys the law.
utterance, expression, (a unit of discourse, firstly oral)
voice, spoken word
puhekieltä lyrics, words (gloss)

paroles dune chanson'' - words of a song, lyrics of a song

promise, word

il tient parole - he keeps his word

floor; the right to speak in a legislative assembly

Le député a la parole - the member has the floor

(monikko) parola|lang=it

Ci vogliono fatti e non parole.

Action is needed, not words.

puhekieltä lyrics, words

Musica di Paolo, parole di Lorenzo

Music by Paolo, lyrics by Lorenzo.

puhekieltä password (gloss)

''agrāk vispopulārākā parole bija “password” — previously the most popular password was “password”

puhekieltä the right to speak


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