
suomi-englanti sanakirja

parole englannista suomeksi

  1. ehdonalainen, ehdonalainen vapaus

  2. tunnussana

  3. kunniasana

  4. päästää ehdonalaiseen vapauteen

  1. Substantiivi

  2. ehdonalainen

  3. puhekieli, puhe

  4. Verbi

parole englanniksi

  1. Originally, one's oath or word of honour, given as a condition of release from custody; now specifically, describing the release of a former prisoner under certain conditions, especially the promise of good behaviour. (defdate)

  2. (ux)

  3. Conditional release of a prisoner (now especially before the end of a custodial sentence), or the term or state of such release; the system governing such releases. (defdate)

  4. (quote-web)

  5. A word of honor, especially given by a of war, to not engage in combat if released. (defdate)

  6. (RQ:Macaulay History of England)

  7. {{quote-book|en|year=1926|author=T.E. Lawrence|title=Seven Pillars of Wisdom|location=New York|publisher=Anchor|year_published=1991|page=167

  8. A watchword or code phrase; (i) a password given only to officers, distinguished from the countersign, which is given to all guards. (defdate)

  9. {{quote-text|en|year=1791|author=James Boswell|title=Life of Johnson|page=1143|publisher=Oxford|year_published=2008

  10. {{quote-book|en|year=1796|author=John Stedman|title=Narrative of a Five Years’ Expedition,|location=London|publisher=J. Johnson|volume=1|chapter=4|page=80|url=

  11. Language in use, as opposed to language as a system. (defdate)

  12. The permission for a foreigner who does not meet the technical requirements for a visa to be allowed to enter the U.S. on humanitarian grounds.

  13. (alternative form of)

  14. To release (a prisoner) on the understanding that s/he checks in regularly and obeys the law.

  15. (quote-journal)

  16. To be released on parole.

  17. verbally

  18. (gloss) speech, language (gloss)

  19. (coi)



  20. word(s) utterance, expression (gloss)

  21. voice, word

  22. {{quote-song

  23. lyrics, words (gloss)

  24. promise, word

  25. (syn)

  26. floor (gloss)

  27. (gl-verb form of)

  28. (monikko) it|parola|gloss=words

  29. lyrics, words

  30. password (gloss)

  31. ''agrāk vispopulārākā parole bija “password”'' — previously the most popular password was “password”

  32. word

  33. (quote-book)

  34. the right to speak

  35. (pt-verb form of)

  36. (l)

  37. (l)