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englanti neighborhood Neighborhood.
1922, Denver Post 2 Dec. 10/8 (head & text):
Cagers Will Attend ‘Nabe’ Gym Smoker.
Practically every basketball player in the city has promised to attend the benefit smoker at the Neighborhood House gym, Tenth and Galapago, Monday night.
1938, (w) and George D. Lottman, “Love in Swingtime“ (syndicated serial) (w) (New Orleans) 9 Aug. 12/2 and 12/3:
“Biggest flopperoo of year, so far,” wrote (w) “was the highly touted preeming of Biff Brown’s band at the Ritz, nabe dancery near Bridgeport.” …
Glossary of Swing Words in this Chapter. … Nabe dancery: Neighborhood ballroom.
puhekieltä Neighborhood theater, neighborhood cinema.
1970, (w):
They picked an aging star, slapped together a moldy script, and sent the result out to the nabes.
(ja-romanization of)


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