

  1. (auto-) matka, ajo

  2. vietti, pyrkimys

  3. into, tarmo

  4. hanke, kampanja

  5. tietotekniikka|k=en asema, massamuisti

  6. vetokoneisto, koneisto

  7. urheilu|k=en matala, pitkä lyönti tai potku, golf draivi

Esimerkkejä drive sanan käytöstä:

fund drive – rahankeräyskampanja

Katso myös: drive-in-elokuvateatteri, drive-in

Liittyvät sanat: driver



  1. palautus, palautuslyönti, kämmenlyönti, rystylyönti.

Lisää synonyymejää

Liittyvät sanat: drive-in, drive-in-elokuvateatteri.






palautuslyönti (senseid)motivation Motivation to do or achieve something; ability coupled with ambition.
1986, Fred Matheny, Solo Cycling: How to Train and Race Bicycle Time Trials (page 136)

I confess that the sight of my minute man ahead, getting closer and closer, gives me a little more drive even when I think I am going as fast as I can.


Violent or rapid motion; a rushing onward or away; especially, a forced or hurried dispatch of business.
The Murdstonian drive in business.
An act of driving animals forward, such as to be captured, hunted etc.
1955, (w), The Cone-Gatherers, Canongate 2012, page 79:
Are you all ready?’ he cried, and set off towards the dead ash where the drive would begin.
puhekieltä A sustained advance in the face of the enemy to take a strategic objective.
A motor that does not take fuel, but instead depends on a mechanism that stores potential energy for subsequent use.
A trip made in a motor vehicle.
A driveway.
A type of public roadway.
puhekieltä A place suitable or agreeable for driving; a road prepared for driving.
puhekieltä desire Desire or interest.
puhekieltä An apparatus for reading and write writing data to or from a mass storage device such as a disk, as a floppy drive.
puhekieltä A mass storage device in which the mechanism for reading and writing data is integrated with the mechanism for storing data, as a hard drive, a flash drive.
puhekieltä A stroke made with a driver.
puhekieltä A ball struck in a flat trajectory.
puhekieltä A type of shot played by swinging the bat in a vertical arc, through the line of the ball, and hitting it along the ground, normally between cover and midwicket.
puhekieltä A straight level shot or pass.
{{quote-journal|date=December 29, 2010|author=Mark Vesty|work=BBC
puhekieltä An offensive possession, generally one consisting of several plays and/ or first downs, often leading to a scoring opportunity.
A charity event such as a fundraiser, bake sale, or toy drive.

a whist drive; a beetle drive

puhekieltä An impression or matrix formed by a punch drift.
A collection of objects that are driven; a mass of logs to be floated down a river.
puhekieltä To impel or urge onward by force; to push forward; to compel to move on.

to drive sheep out of a field

Jowett (Thucyd.)
A storm came on and drove them into Pylos.
puhekieltä To direct a vehicle powered by a horse, ox or similar animal.
puhekieltä To cause animals to flee out of.

(rfex) (ux)

puhekieltä To move (something) by hitting it with great force.
puhekieltä To cause (a mechanism) to operate.
puhekieltä To operate (a wheeled motorized vehicle).
puhekieltä To motivate; to provide an incentive for.
puhekieltä To compel (to do something).
puhekieltä To cause to become.
puhekieltä To hit the ball with a driveNoun drive.
puhekieltä To travel by operating a wheeled motorized vehicle.
puhekieltä To convey (a person, etc) in a wheeled motorized vehicle.
puhekieltä To move forcefully.
Fierce Boreas drove against his flying sails.
under cover of the night and a driving tempest
Time driveth onward fast, / And in a little while our lips are dumb.
To urge, press, or bring to a point or state.
enough to drive one mad
Sir Philip Sidney
He, driven to dismount, threatened, if I did not do the like, to do as much for my horse as fortune had done for his.
To carry or to keep in motion; to conduct; to prosecute.
The trade of life can not be driven without partners.


To clear, by forcing away what is contained.
to drive the country, force the swains away
puhekieltä To dig horizontally; to cut a horizontal gallery or tunnel.
puhekieltä To put together a drive (n.): to string together offensive plays and advance the ball down the field.
puhekieltä To distrain for rent.
To be the dominant party where two people are engaged in a sex act.
(l) (qualifier)
(inflection of)
to move; turn
to pursue
to deviate
to float; drift
to operate; run
to follow
to (l), (l)
puhekieltä (l) (gloss)
a (l)
a forceful blow, a (l)
to (l)


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