1. Muuttaa yksipaikkaisen verbin kaksipaikkaiseksi. Esimerkiksi: as --> asi

  2. (< hi) Verbiin liitettynä nominalisoi verbin. Useita merkityksiä (tekeminen, tekopaikka, tekoaika).

Liittyvät sanat: -ihoinen, -ikkunainen, -ikäisyys, -ilkinen, -ilmastoinen, -intoinen.


englanti used to indicate a plural form of some words of Latin or Italian origin, such as fungi, virtuosi or concerti
(non-gloss definition)

(m)(m), (m)(m), (m)(m), (m)(m), (m)(m), (m)(m), (m)(m)

added to intransitive verbs to make them transitive verb|transitive
puhekieltä him, her, it (third person singular indirect object)
(verbal inflection marking the infinitive)
common vowel of personal pronouns: mi, ni, ci, vi, li, ŝi, ĝi, oni, ili, si.
A nominal suffix used in eg. (m)(m), (m)(m).
puhekieltä Used to mark the first part of a compound word, e.g. (m)(m).
Derives a number of adverbs of generally lative or locative meaning, e.g. (m)(m), (m)(m).
puhekieltä Added to a proper noun or a noun to form an adjective.


puhekieltä his/her/its ...-s (third-person singular, multiple possessions)
puhekieltä your ... -s (second-person singular and plural formal, multiple possessions)

a maga kapui, az ön kapui - your (singular, formal) gates

a maguk kapui, az önök kapui - your (plural, formal) gates

puhekieltä Used to form the third-person singular present tense of verbs (indicative mood, definite conjugation).
puhekieltä Added to nouns, mostly used by the younger generation or in informal conversations.
-s (Marks the plural form of nouns, by replacing the -oIdo -o ending.)


Used with a stem to form the second-person singular present of regular -are, -ere verbs and those -ire verbs that don't take "isc"
Used with a stem to form the second-person imperative of -ere verbs
Used with a stem to form the first-, second- and third-person singular present subjunctive of -are verbs
Used with a stem to form the third-person singular imperative of -are verbs
(inflection of)
Used for the first person present perfect active singular indicative form of any regular verb.
{{xlp-romanization of|-


rimmaa näiden kanssa:

ai, hai, hui hai, tiikerihai, pörssihai, korttihai, jättiläishai, thai, aijai, kai

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