


  1. spesifinen, ominainen, erityinen

  2. tietty

Esimerkkejä specific sanan käytöstä:

In the scientific name of the lion (Panthera leo) the specific name is leo, while the species name is Panthera leo.

Liittyvät sanat: specifically



  1. määrätty, tarkoin määrätty, tietty.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä




ominainen, ominais-

tietty, tarkoin määrätty explicit or definite
puhekieltä Pertaining to a species.
2008, (w), The Oxford Book of Modern Science Writing, Oxford 2009, p. 3:

Science and literature, then, are the two achievements of Homo sapiens that most convincingly justify the specific name.
puhekieltä pertaining to a taxon at the rank of species
special, distinctive or unique
intended for, or applying to a particular thing
being a remedy for a particular disease

Quinine is a specific medicine in cases of malaria.

In fact, all medicines will be found specific in the perfection of the science.
puhekieltä limited to a particular antibody or antigen
puhekieltä of a value divided by mass (e.g. specific orbital energy)
puhekieltä similarly referring to a value divided by any measure which acts to standardize it (e.g. thrust specific fuel consumption, referring to fuel consumption divided by thrust)
puhekieltä a measure compared with a standard reference value by division, to produce a ratio without unit or dimension (e.g. specific refractive index is a pure number, and is relative to that of air)
A distinguishing attribute or quality.
A specific remedy.
*1968, (w), True Grit:
I had no unreasonable fear of bats, … yet I knew them too for carriers of the dread “Hydrophobia,” for which there was no specific.
puhekieltä The details; particulars.


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aerobic, chic, picnic, tic

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