


  1. pospron|k=en|adjektiivinen meidän ... -mme

Esimerkkejä our sanan käytöstä:

This is 'our' book.

:Tämä on 'meidän' kirja'mme'.


englanti Belonging to us.
2008, Mike Knudson & Steve Wilkinson, Raymond and Graham Rule the School
Paying no attention to Lizzy, Mrs. Gibson began calling out our names in alphabetical order.
{{quote-magazine|year=2013|month=July-August|author=http://www.americanscientist.org/authors/detail/stephen-p-lownie Stephen P. Lownie, http://www.americanscientist.org/authors/detail/david-m-pelz David M. Pelz
Of, from, or belonging to the nation, region, or language of the speaker.
(RQ:Schuster Hepaticae V)
Thirdly, I continue to attempt to interdigitate the taxa in our flora with taxa of the remainder of the world.
puhekieltä Used before a person's name to indicate that the person is in one's family, or is a very close friend.



our rimmaa näiden kanssa:

happy hour, glamour

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oudostella, oudosti, oudostuttaa, ounastella, out, outo

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