
suomi-englanti sanakirja

tinsel englannista suomeksi

  1. kutoa brokadia hopealangalla

  2. rihkama

  3. tinanauha, hopeanauha

  4. kaunistella

  5. hopeoida

tinsel englanniksi

  1. A shining fabric used for ornamental purposes.

  2. A silk or wool fabric with gold or silver thread woven into it; brocade.

  3. (synonyms)

  4. (RQ:Jonson Cynthia's Revels); (..) The fourth, in watchet tinſell, is the kind, and truly benefique, (smallcaps).

  5. A very thin, gauzelike cloth with gold or silver (or, later, copper) thread woven into it, or overlaid with thin metal plates.

  6. (RQ:Howell Epistolae)

  7. A thin, shiny foil for ornamental purposes which is of a material made of metal or resembling metal; especially, narrow glittering strips of such a material, often strung on to thread, and traditionally at Christmastime draped on trees, hung from balustrades or ceilings, or wrapped around objects as a decoration.

  8. (RQ:Nashe Saffron-Walden)

  9. (RQ:Scott Tales of My Landlord 2)

  10. (RQ:Allingham China Governess)

  11. Anything shining and gaudy; especially something superficially shiny and showy, or having a false lustre, and more pretty than valuable.

  12. (RQ:Spenser Faerie Queene)

  13. (RQ:Dryden Aureng-zebe)

  14. (RQ:Cowper Poems)

  15. (RQ:Eliot Romola)

  16. Of fabric: ornamented by being woven with gold or silver thread, or overlaid with thin metal plates; brocaded.

  17. (RQ:Milton Comus)'', / (..) / By ''(w)''’s lovely hands, / And her ſon that rules the ſtrands, / By ''(w)'' tinſel-ſlipper’d feet; (..)

  18. Glittering.

  19. (RQ:Milton Paradise Lost)|year=1873

  20. Apparently beautiful and costly but having little value; superficially attractive; gaudy, showy, tawdry.

  21. (quote-journal)&93;|date=24 December 1890|volume=46|page=306|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=_DnLjqOjv0wC&pg=RA1-PA306|column=2|oclc=990012675|passage=Went to that magnificent Temple of Thalia, the New Olympic, and saw the bewitchingest Pauline, in the person of Winifred Emery, that ever I saw in the shammiest, stagiest, tawdriest, tinsellest, transparentest, most diaphanously theatrical comedy I ever saw in the absolute period of my Thespian existence.|footer=(small) use of the (glossary) form of ''tinsel''.

  22. (quote-book)

  23. To adorn (something) with tinsel.

  24. To ornament (fabric, etc.) by weaving into it thread of gold, silver, or some other shiny material.

  25. (RQ:Nashe Unfortunate Traveller)

  26. (RQ:Herrick Hesperides)

  27. To out (a place or something) with showy but cheap ornaments; to make gaudy.

  28. (RQ:Pope Dunciad)

  29. (RQ:Thackeray Vanity Fair) and yokels looking up at the tinselled dancers and poor old rouged tumblers, while the light-fingered folk are operating upon their pockets behind.

  30. To give (something) a false or superficial attractiveness.

  31. (quote-text)

  32. Damage, detriment; loss.

  33. Deprivation; forfeiture.

  34. To cause (someone) damage or loss; also, to impose a fine on (someone); to mulct.

  35. spiritual

  36. (syn)