
suomi-englanti sanakirja

spinner englannista suomeksi

  1. spinner

  2. kehrääjä

  3. lippa

  1. Substantiivi

  2. pyörittäjä

  3. numerovalitsin

  4. Verbi

spinner englanniksi

  1. noun|Agent noun of spin; someone or something who spins.

  2. A conical cover at the center of some aircraft propellers.

  3. A device that is spun in games to choose a number or symbol.

  4. (ux)

  5. The coin thrower in a game of two-up.

  6. Primarily in the adult film industry, an actress or prostitute with a tiny frame, usually very thin and small-breasted.

  7. (quote-book)

  8. (quote-journal)|year=2009|volume=38|issue=5|passage=For example, some johns used the term ''spinner'' to refer a petite female. This was exemplified by an exchange in the Dayton forum where individuals discussed the meaning of the term ''spinner'':    Purplehead: I picked up what looked to be a young thin WSW just south of McDs … She looked really good, about 100 lbs, and very cute, dark hair … a definite spinner..

  9. (quote-book)"I'm going to fuck my little spinner now. She's had it too easy so far."

  10. (quote-book) petite women, whom he called 'spinners,' because, in comparison to 'heifers,' they are far more manageable.”

  11. An input control for entering a number, with accompanying arrowed buttons that increase or decrease the value.

  12. {{quote-text|en|year=1997|author=Lynn Marie Bacon|title=Getting started with Microsoft PowerPoint 7.0 for Windows 95|page=51

  13. A bowler.

  14. A type of lure consisting of wire, a rotating blade, a weighted body, and one or more hooks.

  15. An ornamental hubcap that spins independently of the wheel

  16. (c) A nightjar ((taxfmt)).

  17. (c) A dolphin ((taxfmt)).

  18. (syn)

  19. A spinneret.

  20. A spider.

  21. A kind of dumpling, shaped by "spinning" it in the hands.

  22. A doctor.

  23. {{quote-text|en|year=2011|author=Larry the Cat|title=The Larry Diaries: Downing Street - The First 100 Days|page=15

  24. (short for)

  25. A flat target mounted on an axis so that a ball passing through can make it spin around, usually awarding a certain number of points for every revolution it completes.

  26. A record turntable or player.

  27. a (l): someone who makes yarn from loose fibers.

  28. (infl of)

  29. spinner

  30. (verb form of)