
suomi-englanti sanakirja

sol englannista suomeksi

  1. sooli

  2. sol

  1. sol, so

  2. Marsin päivä">Marsin päivä

  3. sooli

  4. Substantiivi

  5. Verbi

sol englanniksi

  1. Sol

  2. so, soh

  1. (senseid)

  2. In a movable-do or tonic sol-fa system: the fifth step in a scale, preceded by fa and followed by la.

  3. (RQ:Shakespeare Taming of the Shrew)

  4. (RQ:Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet Q1-2) / ''Ser.'' Then will I giue it you, and ſoundly to. / ''I.'' What will you giue vs? / ''Ser.'' The fidler, Ile re you, Ile fa you, Ile ſol you. / ''I.'' If you re vs and fa vs, we will note you.|footer=A (glossary) use as a verb.|brackets=on

  5. In a fixed-do system: the musical note G.

  6. An old coin from France and some other countries worth 12 deniers.

  7. (RQ:Jonson Volpone)

  8. (RQ:Coryat Crudities)|page=285|lines=18–24|passage=Moſt of their owne coines that I ſaw were theſe. In gold but one, which is their chiquiney: This piece doth much vary in the value. For ſometimes it is high, ſometimes low. When I was there, a chiquiney was worth eleuen liuers, and twelue ſols. Which counteruaileth eight ſhillings and eight pence halfe penny of our money.

  9. (RQ:Smollett Roderick Random)

  10. A former America|Spanish-American silver coin.

  11. (quote-book)|translator=anonymous|title=The History of Louisiana, or of the Western Parts of Virginia and Carolina:(nb...)|location=London|publisher=(...) T. Becket and P. A. De Hondt(nb...)|year=1763|volume=I|page=336|pageurl=|oclc=85253444|passage=The ''Tobacco'' of this colony is ſo excellent, that if the commerce thereof was free, it would ſell for one hundred ſols and ſix livres the pound, ſo fine and delicate is its juice and flavour.

  12. ''In full'' sol ''or'' new sol: the main currency unit of Peru which replaced the inti in 1991; also, a coin of this value.

  13. (senseid) A day on the planet Mars (equivalent to 24 hours, 39 minutes, 35 seconds).

  14. (quote-book)

  15. A type of colloid in which a solid is dispersed in a liquid.

  16. A solution to an objection (or "ob"), for example, in controversial divinity.

  17. (RQ:Burton Melancholy)|partition=3|section=4|member=1|subsection=3|page=524|url=|passage=For that they had nothing elſe to doe, (..) haue coyned a thouſand idle queſtions, nice diſtinctions, Obs and Sols, (..)

  18. (RQ:Butler Hudibras)|brackets=on

  19. under the

  20. left

  21. (uxi)

  22. salt

  23. the Sun (the center of our system)

  24. sun

  25. (l) (a unit of currency used in Peru)

  26. (l) (the fifth note of the scale)

  27. (l) (a colloid suspension of a solid in a liquid)

  28. alone (oneself, solitary)

  29. {{quote-journal|ca|journal=Time Out Barcelona|date=March 12 2020|volume=588|column=Fight!|author=María José Gómez|page=8

  30. unique

  31. (ca-verb form of)

  32. sun

  33. (infl of)

  34. (l) (solution)

  35. (l) (note)

  36. sol (the fifth step in the solfège scale of C, preceded by fa and followed by la)

  37. alone

  38. soil, earth

  39. ground

  40. floor

  41. (l) (the fifth step (G) in the solfège scale of C, preceded by fa and followed by la)

  42. a Spanish-American gold or silver coin, now the main currency unit of Peru ''(also new sol)'', or a coin of this value

  43. sou (the feudal era coin)

  44. sunlight

  45. sunny side (of a place)

  46. (ux)

  47. daylight (the time between sunrise and sunset)

  48. (l) (a musical note)

  49. G (the musical note or key)

  50. very white

  51. (syn)

  52. sole (the bottom of a shoe or boot)

  53. (l):

  54. in a movable-do or tonic sol-fa system: the fifth step in a scale, preceded by fa and followed by la.

  55. in a fixed-do system: the musical note G.

  56. only

  57. (l) (a musical note)

  58. G (the musical note and key)

  59. (l) (a type of colloid)

  60. (l) (a currency of Peru)

  61. (l) (a former America|Spanish-American silver coin)

  62. (apocopic form of)

  63. the Sun

  64. a sun

  65. gold

  66. days, period of one's life

  67. (Q)

  68. (def-see)

  69. salt (gloss)

  70. salt (gloss)

  71. The brightest and warmest body, considered to be a planet in the Ptolemic system; the Sun (the center of our system).

  72. A heavy, yellow metal; gold.

  73. c. 1395 (w), ''(w)''. Canon Yeoman's Prologue and Tale

  74. (quote)
  75. shoe

  76. solution

  77. (senseid) sun

  78. sunshine

  79. a shiningly merry girl

  80. (senseid) (l) (a syllable used in solfège to represent the fifth note of a scale)

  81. (senseid) (l); the main Peruvian currency since 1991

  82. (quote-journal)

  83. (senseid) the Peruvian currency between 1863 and 1985

  84. (alt sp)

  85. the Sun

  86. mud, wet sand, mire

  87. wallowing-place, slough, miry-place

  88. dark, dirty, soiled

  89. sol (an Old French coin)

  90. only; just; no more than

  91. (roa-opt-cite-cantigas)

  92. Eſta primeira é de comel fez ó çeo. ⁊ á terra. ⁊ ó mar ⁊ o ſol. ⁊ á lũa. ⁊ as eſtrelas ⁊ todalas outras couſas q̇ ſon. ⁊ como fez ó ome áſa ſemellança
    : This first one is (about) how He made the heaven, and the earth, and the sea, and the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and everything else that exists. And how (He) made man in His own likeness.
  93. (inflection of)

  94. Sun (celestial object)

  95. sun (a star, especially when seen as the centre of any single solar system)

  96. sunshine (a location on which the sun's rays fall)

  97. (senseid) weather (the state of the atmosphere at a specific time and place)

  98. the lowest part of something; bottom, ground, base, foundation, bed

  99. the floor or pavement of a room

  100. ground, earth, land, soil

  101. an event performed on a floor-like carpeted surface

  102. messenger

  103. envoy

  104. salt

  105. salt (a common substance)

  106. (ant)

  107. (l) (a unit of currency, currently used in Peru)

  108. (s) A star, especially when one considers things in its surroundings.

  109. year

  110. shoulder

  111. (tr-verb form of)

  112. sol