
suomi-englanti sanakirja

limbo englannista suomeksi

  1. limbus

  2. helvetin esikartano

  3. unohduksen tila

  1. limbus, välitila

  2. paitsio

  3. Limbo

  4. ajaa paitsioon">ajaa paitsioon

  5. limbo

  6. limbota

  7. Substantiivi

limbo englanniksi

  1. (senseid) A speculation, thought possibly to be on the edge of the pit of Hell, where the souls of innocent deceased people might exist temporarily until they can enter heaven, specifically those of the saints who died before the advent of Christ (who occupy the ''limbo patrum'' or limbo of the patriarchs or fathers) and those of unbaptized infants (who occupy the ''limbo infantum'' or limbo of the infants); the possible place where each category of souls might exist, regarded separately. (defdate)

  2. (RQ:Tyndale Obedience)

  3. (RQ:Shakespeare Titus Andronicus Q1)

  4. (RQ:Heywood If You Know Not Me)

  5. (RQ:Donne Works)

  6. (quote-book)

  7. ''Chiefly preceded by'' in: any in-between place, or condition or state, of neglect or oblivion which results in deadlock, delay, or some other unresolved status. (defdate)

  8. (ux)

  9. (RQ:Browne Religio Medici)

  10. (RQ:Milton Smectymnuus)'' appear'd to his friend ''Æneas''.

  11. (RQ:Milton Areopagitica)

  12. (RQ:Milton Paradise Lost) / Indulgences, Diſpenſes, Pardons, Bulls, / The ſport of Winds: all theſe upwhirld aloft / Fly o're the backſide of the World farr off / Into a ''Limbo'' large and broad, ſince calld / The Paradiſe of Fools, (..)|year=1873

  13. (RQ:Spectator) Milton|John Milton has interwoven in the texture of his fable, some particulars which do not seem to have probability enough for an epic poem, particularly in the actions which he ascribes to Sin and Death, and the picture he draws of the ‘Limbo of Vanity,’ with other passages in the second book.

  14. (RQ:Carlyle Sartor Resartus)

  15. (RQ:Carlyle John Sterling)

  16. (quote-journal)|date=23 April 1881|volume=19|page=466|pageurl=|column=1|oclc=604906865|passage=Homœpathy, so-called, is an unutterable humbug, and is to be consigned to the eternal Limbos of the Unblessed—where, indeed, it is already for the most part gone.

  17. (quote-book)(nb...)|year=1896|page=95|pageurl=|oclc=5896406|passage=Urged beyond that line where the soul is mistress over herself, he lost himself in those delicious limboes, which the vulgar call so foolishly "the imaginary regions."

  18. (quote-book)'s&93; so-called "sermons" are but fragmentary and usually ignorant allusions to things in general. He seldom or never encroaches upon the realms of science and philosophy, although he frequently attempts it, and evidently imagines that he is succeeding admirably, when he is but sloshing around, like a drunken comet that is chiefly tail, in inane limboes.

  19. (quote-journal)

  20. (quote-journal) and Harry, Duke of Sussex|Prince Harry could mire Daily Mail for years|editor=Katharine Viner|newspaper=The Guardian|archiveurl=|location=London|publisher=Media Group|Guardian News & Media|date=7 October 2022|issn=0261-3077|oclc=229952407|passage=The bigger worry for the Mail is that, if any of the claims are successful, it could open the door for other cases against the newspaper that could leave it in legal limbo for years.

  21. Jail, prison; a cell or lockup. (defdate)

  22. (RQ:Shakespeare Comedy of Errors) / ''S. Dro''. I doe not knovv the matter, hee is reſted ''i.e.'', arrested on the caſe. / ''Adr''. VVhat is he arreſted? tell me at vvhoſe ſuite?

  23. (RQ:Shakespeare Henry 8)

  24. (RQ:Butler Hudibras)

  25. (quote-journal)|title=The Traveller Returned, Concluded|journal=The Gleaner. A Miscellaneous Production.(nb...)|location=Boston, Mass.|publisher=(...) Thomas (publisher)|Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T. Andrews,(nb...)|month=February|year=1796|volume=III|issue=LXXXIV|section=act IV, scene iii|page=156|pageurl=|oclc=13897812|passage=''Patr''''ick''. (..) Shame burn my cheek! My maſter, d'ye ſee, had gotten into the limboes; (..) / ''Major C''''amden''. But vvhat do you mean by your maſter's being in the limboes, Patrick? / ''Patr''. VVhy, Maſter Tipſtaff here—Isn't it Tipſtaff ye call him?—kidnapped him; that's all, Honey.

  26. (RQ:Carlyle Past and Present) hurls out a bolt or two of excommunication: lo, one disobedient Monk sits in limbo, excommunicated, with foot-shackles on him, all day; and three more our Abbot has gyved 'with the lesser sentence, to strike fear into the others!'

  27. (RQ:Besant Rice Chaplain) poets not yet in limbo; authors who were still able to pay for their lodgings; young fellows whose creditors were still forbearing; (..)

  28. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=& Hall|Chapman and Hall|year=1894|volume=II|page=144|pageurl=|oclc=3473031|passage=Blind Thaddeus O'Gorman was soon sent to limbo, safely secured in the police lock-up at Green Skipperton, whence he was removed next day to the nearest gaol, there to await trial at the next assize.

  29. (synonym of) ''or'' Hell (defdate)

  30. (RQ:Dryden Absalom)

  31. (synonym of)

  32. (RQ:Congreve Old Batchelour) I let him have all my ready Mony to redeem his great Svvord from Limbo— (..)

  33. A type of antisubmarine mortar installed on naval vessels.

  34. To place (someone or something) in an in-between place, or condition or state, of neglect or oblivion which results in deadlock, delay, or some other unresolved status.

  35. (RQ:Melville Mardi)

  36. (quote-book)|location=New York, N.Y.|publisher=Grove Press|month=October|year=1988|page=102|pageurl=|isbn=978-0-8021-3562-9|passage="If a fellow of ours isn't uncovered we may be limboed here till—" Till when? Till we were born again? I wished not to wonder just then. "Whenever."

  37. (senseid) A competitive dance originating from and Tobago in which dancers turns to cross under a horizontal bar while bending backwards. The bar is lowered with each round, and the competition is won by the dancer who passes under the bar in the lowest position without dislodging it or down|falling down.

  38. (quote-song); Billy Strange|artist=Chubby Checker|title=Limbo Rock|album=Limbo Party|month=October|year=1962|passage=Every limbo boy and girl / All around the limbo world / Gonna do the limbo rock / All around the limbo clock / Jack be limbo, Jack be quick / Jack go under limbo stick / All around the limbo clock / Hey, let's do the limbo rock

  39. (quote-book)|year=2016|page=122|pageurl=|column=2|isbn=978-1-4930-1334-0|passage=Limbo is a traditional popular dance contest that originated on the island of Trinidad. It got its name in the 1950s, but the limbo dates back to the 1800s in Trinidad. (..) R&B singer-songwriter (w), who popularized the Twist, also popularized the limbo dance and the phrase "How low can you go?" The world record for the lowest limbo dance is only 8.5 inches above the ground!

  40. To dance the 2|limbo ''(etymology 2, noun (senseno))''.

  41. (quote-journal) Steve had his friends set the bar lower and lower while he got flatter and flatter, until finally, at just over a foot and almost spread-eagled, he reached his limboing limit.|footer=(small)

  42. (quote-book)|year=2016|page=122|pageurl=|isbn=978-1-4930-1334-0|passage=After each player goes under once, the bar is lowered about an inch. Players keep limboing under the limbo stick as it gets lower and lower. If you touch the stick with any part of your body, you're out. The last person left is the winner.

  43. (quote-book) ((w))|title=Play It on My Radio: A Diary in Music|location=Gatos, Calif.|publisher=[(w)]|date=28 January 2020|year_published=2021|page=171|pageurl=|isbn=978-1-00-548300-5|passage=Anyway, one year we had a party in our unfinished basement. All I remember about it is that we limboed on bare concrete. Good times!

  44. ''Often followed by'' under: to pass under something, especially while bending backwards.

  45. (quote-book) and (w)|chapter=Tuesday, 12:26 A.M., Helsinki|title=Tom Clancy's Op-Center: Mirror Image|Tom Clancy’s Op-Center: Mirror Image|series=Tom Clancy's Op-Center|Tom Clancy’s Op-Center|location=New York, N.Y.|publisher=Berkley Books|month=November|year=1995|year_published=|isbn=978-1-101-00361-9|passage=The Private (..) limboed to his seat a mini-submarine, thrusting his chest up and twisting to the right, one arm behind him, steadying himself on the chair as he slid in.

  46. (quote-book) (witness)|chapter=Statement of Mr. David Lochbaum, Director, Nuclear Safety Project, Union of Concerned Scientists|title=Nuclear Energy Risk Management: Hearing before the Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight, Joint with the States House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Europe, Energy, the Environment and Cyber|Subcommittee on Energy and Environment, States House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology|Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, States House of Representatives|House of Representatives, One Hundred Twelfth States Congress|Congress, First Session(nb...)|series=Serial No. 122-18|location=Washington, D.C.|publisher=States Government Publishing Office|U.S. Government Printing Office|date=13 May 2011|page=199|pageurl=|isbn=978-0-16-090010-5|passage=We find that the NRC does a very good job at setting the safety bar at the right height. (..) They don't do a very good job of enforcing those regulations. Too many plant owners are limboing beneath the safety bar for too long, putting Americans at higher risk, and additionally driving the costs of nuclear power upwards inexplicably.

  47. Limbo, the place where innocent souls barred from heaven exist.

  48. (syn)

  49. Limbo, in-between place, state or condition of neglect or oblivion which results in an unresolved status, delay or deadlock.

  50. limbo, the low-dancing game below a bar

  51. A Limburger, a person from Limburg.

  52. limbo (gloss)

  53. (inflection of)

  54. (alt form)

  55. (l) (gloss)

  56. blade (gloss)

  57. (l) (gloss)

  58. (uxi)

  59. blade, edge

  60. limb