
suomi-englanti sanakirja

haven englannista suomeksi

  1. turvasatama, suojasatama

  2. turvapaikka

  1. suojasatama, valkama

  2. turvapaikka

  3. tyyssija

  4. suojella, tarjota suojapaikka">tarjota suojapaikka

  5. Substantiivi

  6. Verbi

haven englanniksi

  1. A harbour or anchorage protected from the sea.

  2. (RQ:Shakespeare Pericles)

  3. (RQ:Tennyson Poems 1842)

  4. A place of safety.

  5. (syn)

  6. (quote-journal)

  7. A peaceful place.

  8. To put into, or provide with a haven.

  9. (inflection of)

  10. (quote-book)|title=The Byble in Englyshe,(nb...)|series=Great Bible|edition_plain=edition|location=London|publisher=(...) Whitchurch|Edward whytchurche|year=1540|section=signature [i], verso|sectionurl=https://archive.org/details/GreatBible1540/page/n6/mode/1up|passage=And they that occupye them bene in moche ſauegarde, and hauen greate conſolacyon, and bene the readyer vnto all goodnes, the ſlower to all euyll, and yf they haue done any thing amyſe, anone euen by the ſyght of the bookes theyꝛ conſciences bene admoniſhed, and they waxen ſoꝛy ⁊ aſhamed of the facte.

  11. (quote-book)

  12. (RQ:Nathaniel Baxter Ourania)

  13. (infl of)

  14. harbour

  15. (ux)

  16. port

  17. (monikko) nl|have.

  18. (single) hair

  19. (senseid) to own (gloss):

  20. to possess (an abstraction; a quality)

  21. to include (as a part, ingredient, or feature).

  22. (RQ:Wycliffe NT Lichfield)

  23. to hold; to have at disposal

  24. to get, acquire, or obtain:

  25. (RQ:Barbour Brus)

  26. (R:Wycliffe NT Lichfield)

  27. to take (in); to be given

  28. to have (gloss); to give birth

  29. to do; to perform (gloss):

  30. to take (gloss)

  31. to have (gloss); to cause to (gloss)

  32. to be obliged to do; to be scheduled to do.

  33. (n-g)

  34. to keep; to maintain (in a condition)

  35. to have (gloss)

  36. to consider; to upon

  37. to experience; to undergo

  38. pot

  39. (noun form of)

  40. haven, refuge