
suomi-englanti sanakirja

glue englannista suomeksi

  1. liimautua

  2. liima

  3. liimata

  1. Substantiivi

  2. liima, tymä

  3. Verbi

  4. liimata

glue englanniksi

  1. A hard gelatin made by boiling bones and hides, used in solution as an adhesive; or any sticky adhesive substance.

  2. (quote-journal)

  3. (quote-book)

  4. Anything that binds two things or people together.

  5. To join or attach something using glue.

  6. (ux)

  7. (quote-journal) The flesh the mistletoe berry is sticky, and forms strings and ribbons between my thumb and forefinger. For the mistletoe, this viscous goop – and by the way, viscous comes to English from viscum – is crucial. The stickiness means that, after eating the berries, birds often regurgitate the seeds and then wipe their bills on twigs – leading to the seeds' getting glued to the tree, where they can germinate and begin the cycle anew.

  8. To cause something to adhere closely to; to cause to follow attentively.

  9. (syn)

  10. (RQ:Falkner Moonfleet)

  11. {{quote-text|en|date=May 9 1961|author=Newton N. Minow|title=Television and the Public Interest

  12. To apply glue.

  13. (senseid) (alt form).