
suomi-englanti sanakirja

en englannista suomeksi

  1. n-ajatusviiva, puolitasava

  1. Verbi

  2. Substantiivi

en englanniksi

  1. (ISO 639)

  2. (abbr of)

  3. (Latn-def)

  4. (ux)

  5. {{quote-journal|en|year=1773|journal=The Monthly Review Or Literary Journal Enlarged|month=October

  6. {{quote-text|en|year=2004|author=Will Rogers|title=The Stonking Steps|page=170

  7. A unit of measurement equal to half an em (half the height of the type in use).

  8. (n-g)

  9. him

  10. (quote-book)

  11. it (when the thing being referred to is masculine)

  12. (Cyrl-def)

  13. be, exist

  14. and

  15. well

  16. me (gl)

  17. a, an

  18. 1835, Jakob Stutz, ''Gemälde aus dem Volksleben nach der Natur aufgenommen und treu dargestellt in gereimten Gesprächen Zürcherischer Mundart'', first part, 2nd ed., pp. 27, 49, 97, 109:

  19. *Ih wött dih jetz nu duße möge-n-Auh noh en einzigs Wörtli fröge.

  20. *... as en einzigs Mol, ...

  21. *Denn ist er si Lebtig e stills Büebli gsi.

  22. *Aber es wot e chüels Windli goh.

  23. 1864, J. C. Ott, ''Rosen und Dornen. Gedichte und Gerichte, gewachsen auf Bernerboden'', 1st small volume, 2nd ed., pp. 53, 57:

  24. *„„Nu, wenn i öppis by d'r gilte,““ Seit Franz, – „„so mach en End myr Qual! ...““

  25. *„... O, schenk-mer, Herr, es gnädig's End, Nimm uf my Geist i dyni Händ!“

  26. 1864, J. C. Ott, ''Rosen und Dornen. Gedichte und Gerichte, gewachsen auf Bernerboden'', 1st small volume, 2nd ed., pp. 43, 76, 106, 186:

  27. *E Mezgerbursch i syne schönste Jahre Mit rothe Backe, schwarze, chruse Haare, Chunt spät am Aabe ganz allei Vom Erlebacher-Märit hei.

  28. *Im Berner Alpeg'länd sitzt vor sym chlyne Hüsi...En alte Veteran vom CheiserrychNa Dörflerg'wohnheit i d'r Gartenlaube.

  29. *... Da villicht en alte Jud, ...

  30. *En Ehrebrecher isch sy Kamerad, ...

  31. Joh. Schönauer, ''Beschreibung miner Heimat'', in: 1876, ''Volksthümliches aus dem Kanton Bern. Localsagen und Satzungen des Aberglaubens. Gesammelt von Heinrich Grunholzer durch seine Seminarzöglinge. Zusammengestellt und herausgegeben von J. E. Rothenbach. Separat-Abdruck aus der „Neuen Alpenpost“'', p. 5:

  32. Vor zwei Jahra ist z' Höchstetta, das 20 Minuta vo Zäziwyl ist, emene Länder-Güterfuhrma der Waga verbrönnt worda. (cln)
  33. in

  34. (+ gerund) after

  35. width

  36. (syn)

  37. e (qualifier) + un (qualifier)

  38. e (qualifier) + an (qualifier)

  39. (n-g).

  40. (n-g).

  41. (alt form)

  42. in; into

  43. in

  44. and

  45. (n-g)

  46. him; (n-g)

  47. he; (n-g)

  48. them; (n-g)

  49. ye, you (plural)

  50. (n-g); you

  51. this (gloss)

  52. (alt form)

  53. a, an

  54. (cln) one

  55. one

  56. well, so

  57. plus, and

  58. not (q)

  59. 1544, "Van proper Janneken" (song 123), in Dieuwke E. van der Poel, Dirk Geirnaert, Hermina Joldersma, J.B. Oosterman & Louis Peter Grijp (eds.) ''Het Antwerps liedboek'', vol. 1, Lannoo (publ. 2004), page 283.

  60. (quote)
  61. 1632, Jacob Cats, ''Spiegel van den ouden ende nieuwen tijt, bestaende uyt spreeckwoorden ende sinspreucken'', "Een rotten appel in de mande, maeckt oock het gave fruyt te schande.", in J. van Vloten (ed.), ''Alle de werken'', vol. 1, 1862, page 649.

  62. "Herr Halewyn", A.H. Hoffmann von Fallersleben, ''Horae Belgicae'', page 41.

  63. {{quote-text|nl|year=c. 1860|author=Guido Gezelle|title=Gij zegt dat 't vlaamsch te niet zal gaan

  64. only, merely, no than, none other than (q)

  65. in, within, inside

  66. into (when followed by a noun or phrase in the accusative case)

  67. (l)

  68. (quote-book)|translation=As everything is a matter of proportions, without its presence being an argument, we can see that even in Europe there are Sovereign States with less territory than our three places, such as: (..)

  69. (inflection of)

  70. in (gloss)

  71. to (gloss)

  72. by (gloss)

  73. as

  74. at (gloss)

  75. of, made of (gloss)

  76. while

  77. by, in (gloss)

  78. (Q)

  79. (n-g) we

  80. (n-g):

  81. {{quote-text|gl|year=1822|author=anonymous|title=A Parola Polêteca

  82. {{quote-text|gl|year=1853|author=Xosé Manuel Pintos|title=A Gaita Gallega

  83. while; soon as (gloss)

  84. {{quote-book|gl|year=1295|editor=R. Lorenzo|title=La traducción gallega de la Crónica General y de la Crónica de Castilla.|location=Ourense|publisher=I. E. O. P. F|page=111

  85. {{quote-text|gl|year=1460|author=Rui Vasques|title=Corónica de Iria

  86. 1461, X. Ferro Couselo (ed.), ''A vida e a fala dos devanceiros. Escolma de documentos en galego dos séculos XIII ao XVI''. 2 vols. Vigo: Galaxia, page 141:

  87. {{quote|gl|''dito testigo en seendo moço pequeno con seu tyo Afonso Dominges, guardando o gaando en Curro do Moyño, que le dixera o dito Afonso Domingees "bees, por aquy se parte ho término do conde do de Juan d'Estúñiga''
  88. {{quote-text |gl |year=1858 |author= Francisco María de la Iglesia |title= O orfiño da arquiña

  89. one (1)

  90. (inflection of): him.

  91. how

  92. but

  93. than (with an adjective in the comparative)

  94. (senseid) (n-g)

  95. ''Rannsókn embættis sérstaks saksóknara á meintum innherjasvikum Baldurs Guðlaugssonar stóð yfir í rúmlega ár, en FME kærði málið með bréfi til embættisins hinn 9. júlí á síðasta ári.''(cite-web )

  96. (Latn-def-lite)

  97. (ja-romanization of)

  98. (n-g) a, an.

  99. {{quote-book|gmw-jdt|year=1912|title=Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsche taal— en letterkunde|volume=31-32|page=309

  100. wave

  101. {{quote-book

  102. {{quote-journal

  103. lookǃ beholdǃ (qual)

  104. reallyǃ? (qual)

  105. onǃ (qual)

  106. (n-g)''.

  107. (alternative form of)

  108. (n-g)/(l).

  109. Indefinite article; a, an

  110. (form of)

  111. (cmn-pinyin of)

  112. (nonstandard spelling of)

  113. on; to

  114. not; negates a verb, usage is facultative if it leads to a negative

  115. (ux) en sal nümant syn Erve (m) verkopenn dar ander lüde wat anne hebbet. he en segget den kop to varenn.|Nobody shall not sell his inheritance, to which other people have rights attached, freely, unless he tell this to the buyer beforehand...

  116. unless

  117. (ux) en sal nümant syn Erve (m) verkopenn dar ander lüde wat anne hebbet. he en segget den kop to varenn.|Nobody shall sell his inheritance, to which other people have rights attached, freely, unless he tell this to the buyer beforehand...

  118. to stand

  119. a, an (q)

  120. (nn-former)

  121. (alternative form of)

  122. in; inside

  123. on; upon

  124. in (experiencing an emotion, a feeling, etc.)

  125. in (indicates a language)

  126. (roa-opt-cite-cantigas)

  127. Como hũa moller q̇ iogaua os dados en pulla lançou hũa pedra aa omagen de ſṫa maṙia poꝛ q̇ perdera ⁊ parou un angeo de pedra que y eſtaua a mão ⁊ reçibiu o colpe.
    : How a woman who was playing dice in Apulia threw a stone at the statue of Holy Mary because she had lost, and an angel of stone which was there reached out its hand and received the blow.
  128. (senseid) (l)

  129. (sense) (l)

  130. of it; of them

  131. 12th century, Bernard de Ventadour, ''vei la lauzeta mover|Can vei la lauzeta mover''

  132. {{quote|pro|Ailas! Tan cuidava saberD'amor, e tan petit en sai,

    (ux) (''Heliand, verse 2637'')

  133. a, an (qual)

  134. (inflection of): him

  135. ''alternative form of'' (l); and

  136. some (gloss)

  137. (uxi)

  138. (altform)

  139. a

  140. in, at, on

  141. (n-g) his, her, its

  142. (n-g) him, her, it

  143. (n-g); he, she, it.

  144. (romanization of)

  145. one; ''object form of'' man (=''one'')

  146. one (see usage notes)

  147. ''the indefinite article'': a, an.

  148. juniper

  149. (Latn-def) ''in the (w).''

  150. to look

  151. a cachet on an animal or bonded goods

  152. the most ..., the ...-est ((n-g))

  153. to look

  154. food

  155. meal