
suomi-englanti sanakirja

none englannista suomeksi

  1. ei yhtään

  2. nona

  3. iltapäivärukous

  4. ei lainkaan

  1. ei kukaan

  2. ei mikään

  3. Substantiivi

none englanniksi

  1. Not any of a given number or group.

  2. (ux)

  3. one|No one, nobody.

  4. No person.

  5. {{quote-text|en|year=2006|author=Clive James|title=North Face of Soho|page=253

  6. Not any; no (usually used only before a vowel or ''h''):

  7. (RQ:Tyndale NT)

  8. {{quote-text|en|year=2008|author=James Kelman|title=Kieron Smith, Boy|page=138|publisher=Penguin|year_published=2009

  9. (senseid) To no extent, in no way. (defdate)

  10. (quote-song)|passage=my lack of education hasn't hurt me none

  11. Not at all, not very. (defdate)

  12. No, not. (defdate)

  13. ''(chiefly American)'' A person without religious affiliation.

  14. (quote-book)

  15. (alt form): the ninth hour after dawn; the religious service appointed to this hour.

  16. (syn of): the time around or following noon or nones.

  17. {{quote-text|en|year=1706|translator=D. Cotes|author=L.E. Dupin|title=A New Ecclesiastical History of the 16th Century|volume=II|chapter=v, 43

  18. An interval of 13 (qualifier) or 14 (qualifier) halftones.

  19. grandmother

  20. (syn)

  21. ninth

  22. (adj form of)

  23. (monikko) it|nona

  24. (inflection of)

  25. (alternative form of)

  26. An interval of 13 (''liten none'') or 14 (''stor none'') halftones.

  27. noon; the ninth hour of the day, equivalent to about 3pm by modern standards

  28. noon; midday (12pm)

  29. no