
suomi-englanti sanakirja

dim englannista suomeksi

  1. himmetä

  2. himmentää, himmentyä, hämärtyä, hämärtää

  3. samentaa

  4. synkkä, pessimistinen

  5. himmeä

  6. hämärä

  7. vaihtaa puolivalot

  8. hidasälyinen

  1. himmeä

  2. himmentää

  3. Verbi

  4. Substantiivi

dim englanniksi

  1. (l)

  2. Not bright or colorful.

  3. (synonyms)


  4. (RQ:Shelley Adonais)

  5. Not smart or intelligent.

  6. Indistinct, hazy or unclear.

  7. Disapproving, unfavorable: (non-gloss definition).

  8. Dimness.

  9. (quote-book)

  10. To make something less bright.

  11. To become darker.

  12. To render dim, obscure, or dark; to make less bright or distinct

  13. (RQ:Du Fresnoy Dryden Painting) who out to dim the lustre of all his attendants

  14. (RQ:Cowper Homer)

  15. To deprive of distinct vision; to hinder from seeing clearly, either by dazzling or clouding the eyes; to darken the senses or understanding of.

  16. (RQ:Marlowe Tamburlaine)

  17. {{quote-text|en|year=1740|author=Christopher Pitt|title=The Aeneid

  18. (senseid) (clipping of)

  19. (gl-reinteg-verb form of)

  20. thumb

  21. (l)

  22. (syn)

  23. high-beam (l) on a road vehicle.

  24. smoke

  25. (infl of)

  26. (qualifier) (infl of)

  27. to have bad vision

  28. ''Han er dim på synet''

    His vision is dim/bad/poor

  29. gloomy

  30. having bad vision

  31. a switching of one's headlamps from high-beam to low-beam

  32. lever, button or other

  33. (clip of)

  34. (l), darkest part of the summer night

  35. twilight

  36. (romanization of)

  37. face

  38. any

  39. no, not, none

  40. (q) nothing, anything

  41. none, nil, zero

  42. not