
suomi-englanti sanakirja

cream englannista suomeksi

  1. voittaa ylivoimaisesti

  2. kerma

  3. voide

  4. kuoria kerma päältä

  5. vaahdottaa

  6. voidella

  7. lisätä kermaa

  1. Substantiivi

  2. kerma

  3. kermankeltainen

  4. voide, kreemi

  5. mälli

  6. Verbi

  7. soseuttaa

  8. kalveta

cream englanniksi

  1. The butterfat/milkfat part of milk which rises to the top; this part when separated from the remainder.

  2. (ux)

  3. The liquid separated from milk, possibly with certain other milk products added, and with at least eighteen percent of it milkfat.

  4. 2018 February 13, Rebecca Firsker, "What's Really in Oreo Cream Filling? Well, for One Thing, Not Cream", ''MyRecipes'':

  5. You may have noticed that any time that filling is mentioned on Oreo packaging, it's called "creme." This is no typo. Technically, the creamy filling inside an Oreo is not cream at all: The recipe used actually contains no dairy; as such, the FDA prohibits (w) from labeling the product as "cream."
  6. The liquid separated from milk containing at least 18 percent milkfat (48% for double cream).

  7. A portion of cream, such as the amount found in a creamer.

  8. A yellowish white colour; the colour of cream.

  9. (color panel)

  10. (quote-journal)

  11. Frosting, custard, creamer{{, or another substance similar to the oily part of milk or to cream.

  12. {{quote-book|en|year=2004|author=Joey Green|title=Joey Green's Incredible Country Store|page=267|publisher=Inc.|Rodale|isbn=1579548482

  13. The best part of something.

  14. 1612, (w) (translator), ''(w)'' (originally by (w))

  15. Welcome, O flower and cream of Knights-errant.
  16. (RQ:Mansfield Bliss)

  17. (RQ:Wallace Infinite Jest) he can assure the assembled Deans that all this is true, and that the Academy has presently in residence no fewer than a third of the continent’s top thirty juniors, in age brackets all across the board, and that I here, who go by ‘Hal,’ usually, am ‘right up there among the very cream.’

  18. A viscous aqueous oil/fat emulsion with a medicament added, used to apply that medicament to the skin. (compare with ointment)

  19. {{quote-text|en|year=1756|author=Oliver Goldsmith|title=The Double Transformation

  20. Semen.

  21. 2001, Darwin Porter, ''Hollywood’s Silent Closet: The Lusty Saga of America’s First Star F*%er!!''(SI) (novel), Blood Moon Productions, Ltd., (ISBN), page 155,

  22. He rode me for ten—or was it fifteen?—minutes before one final fuckthrust that filled me completely with his cream.
  23. {{quote-book|en|year=2003|author=Dominique Adair|chapter=Two Days, Three Nights|title=Tied with a Bow|pageurl=|page=74|publisher=Ellora’s Cave Publishing|isbn=1843607433

  24. {{quote-book|en|year=2004|author=Art Wiederhold|title=Wild Flowers|url=|page=158|publisher=iUniverse|isbn=0595317898

  25. The chrism or consecrated oil used in anointing ceremonies.

  26. (RQ:Malory Le Morte Darthu), Book V:

  27. there shall never harlot have happe, by the helpe of Oure Lord, to kylle a crowned Kynge that with Creyme is anoynted.
  28. Cream-coloured; having a yellowish white colour.

  29. To puree, to blend with a liquifying process.

  30. ''Cream the vegetables with the olive oil, flour, salt and water mixture''.

  31. To turn a yellowish white color; to give something the color of cream.

  32. To obliterate, to defeat decisively.

  33. ''We creamed the opposing team!''

  34. To ejaculate (qualifier).

  35. {{quote-text|en|year=1971|author=Jim Jacobs; Warren Casey|chapter=Grease Lightnin’|title=Grease

  36. To ejaculate in (clothing or a bodily orifice).

  37. To rub, stir, or beat (butter) into a light creamy consistency.

  38. To skim, or off by skimming, as cream.

  39. To take off the best or choicest part of.

  40. To furnish with, or as if with, cream.

  41. {{quote-text|en|year=1871|author=Adeline Dutton Train Whitney|title=Real Folks

  42. To gather or form cream.

  43. cream; cream

  44. {{zh-co|搽 @c{k}r{w}e{i}a{}m{m1}|to apply face cream|C

  45. cream; cream

  46. (gl-reinteg-verb form of)

  47. (inflection of)