
suomi-englanti sanakirja

cheat englannista suomeksi

  1. ruiskattara

  2. pettää

  3. huijari

  4. olla uskoton jklle, pettää jkta

  5. petos

  6. huijaus

  7. myrkkyraiheinä

  1. huijata, luntata

  2. pettää

  3. välttää, huijata

  4. huijari

  5. fusku

  6. huijaus

  7. Substantiivi

cheat englanniksi

  1. To violate rules in order to gain, or attempt to gain, advantage from a situation.

  2. (syn)


  3. To be unfaithful to one's spouse or partner; to commit adultery, or to engage in sexual or romantic conduct with a person other than one's partner in contravention of the rules of society or agreement in the relationship.

  4. To avoid a seemingly inevitable thing.

  5. To deceive; to fool; to trick.

  6. (RQ:Shakespeare Tempest)

  7. (RQ:Irving Sketch Book)

  8. (quote-book)

  9. To disregard self-imposed restrictions or commitments in favour of resting or indulging oneself.

  10. An act of deception or fraud; that which is the means of fraud or deception.

  11. (RQ:Dryden Aureng-zebe)

  12. Someone who cheats.

  13. The weed cheatgrass.

  14. A card game where the goal is to have no cards remaining in a hand, often by telling lies.

  15. A hidden means of gaining an unfair advantage in a game, often by entering a code.

  16. {{quote-journal|en|year=1992|author=Phil Howard|title=Cheat Mode|journal=Amstrad Action|issue=76|month=January|page=32

  17. A sort of low-quality bread.

  18. (quote-book)|page=169|location=London|publisher=Henry Denham|passage=The raueled cheat therfore is generallie ſo made that out of one buſhell of meale, after two and twentie pounds of bran be ſifted and taken from it (wherevnto they ad the gurgeons that riſe from the manchet) they make thirtie cast, euerie lofe weighing eightéene ounces into the ouen and ſixteene ounces out(..)

  19. (quote-book)|publisher=Iohn Bill|url=|passage=Takes part with them, at ſhore: their pureſt cheat, / Thrice boulted, kneaded, and ſubdu'd in paſt(..)|page=3

  20. (quote-book)|publisher=T. Oſborne|location=London|page=339|url=|passage=Where by the way note, that loaves made of pure Wheaten Meal require both more Leaven and more labouring, and more baking than either coarſe Cheat or than Bread Mingled of Meal and Grudgins.

  21. (l)

  22. (l) (gl)