
suomi-englanti sanakirja

carriage englannista suomeksi

  1. valjakkovaunu, vaunut

  2. matkustajavaunu, vaunu, junavaunu

  3. alusta, tela, lavetti

  4. ryhti

  5. rattaat

  1. Substantiivi

  2. kuljetus, kanto

  3. vaunut (monikko) , kärryt (monikko) , rattaat (monikko)

  4. ryhti

  5. tela

  6. kuljetusmaksu, rahtimaksu

carriage englanniksi

  1. The act of conveying; carrying.

  2. (cot)

  3. {{quote-text|en|year=1867|author=Simeon Thayer; Edwin Martin Stone|title=The Invasion of Canada in 1775|page=6

  4. Means of conveyance.

  5. A (mostly four-wheeled) lighter vehicle chiefly designed to transport people, generally drawn by horse power.

  6. (hyponyms)


    ''The carriage ride was very romantic.''

  7. A car

  8. {{quote-book

  9. (seemoreCites)

  10. The manner or posture in which one holds or positions a body part, such as one's arm or head.

  11. (ux)

  12. A manner of walking and moving in general; how one carries oneself, bearing, gait.

  13. (RQ:Spenser Faerie Queene)

  14. (RQ:Carr Book of Small)

  15. {{quote-journal|en|date=October 7 1986|author=Miles Davis|journal=The Dick Cavett Show

  16. {{quote-av|en|year=2009|author=Cicely Tyson|title=Leading Women: Maya Angelou|season=1|number=5

  17. {{quote-book|en|year=2010|author=Christopher Hitchens|title=Hitch-22|publisher=Atlantic|year_published=2011|page=90

  18. (seemoreCites)

  19. One's behaviour, or way of conducting oneself towards others.

  20. (quote-book), Eſq;(nb..)|location=London|publisher=(...) the Executor of the late (smallcaps)&59; (smallcaps),(nb...) (smallcaps),(nb...)|date=21 April 1655|year_published=1742|volume=III|page=399|pageurl=|passage=I had almoſt forgotten to acquaint your honor, that one major Alford (who was in mr. Love's conſpiracy) was of the graund inqueſt at Saliſbury, and was very zealous in his highneſſe ſervice here, and his good affection and wiſe carriage here, did much advantage the buſſineſe.

  21. {{quote-text|en|year=1749|author=Henry Fielding|title=Tom Jones|page=407|publisher=Folio Society|year_published=1973

  22. {{quote-text|en|year=1819|author=Lord Byron|title=Don Juan|section=I

  23. The part of a typewriter supporting the paper.

  24. A cart.

  25. A stroller; a carriage.

  26. The charge made for conveying (especially in the phrases ''forward'', when the charge is to be paid by the receiver, and ''paid'').

  27. (syn)

  28. That which is carried, baggage

  29. (RQ:King James Version)