
suomi-englanti sanakirja

balsam englannista suomeksi

  1. balsami, palsami

  2. palsamikasvi

  1. Substantiivi

  2. palsami

  3. palsamipuu

  4. palsami, palsamikukka

  5. Verbi

balsam englanniksi

  1. A sweet-smelling oil or resin derived from various plants.

  2. A plant or tree yielding such substance.

  3. A soothing ointment.

  4. Something soothing.

  5. ''Classical music is a sweet balsam for our sorrows''

  6. A flowering plant of the genus (taxfmt).

  7. The balsam family of flowering plants ((taxfmt)), which includes (taxfmt) and (taxlink).

  8. A fir (taxfmt).

  9. balsam, a turpentine obtained from the resin of balsam fir.

  10. To treat or anoint with balsam.

  11. (l): a sweet-smelling oil or resin derived from various plants.

  12. balsam, balm

  13. balsam (qualifier)

  14. balm (gl)

  15. (RQ:zlw-opl:Rozm)

  16. mint, (taxlink)

  17. (RQ:zlw-opl:Rost)

  18. thyme, (taxlink)

  19. (def-uncertain)

  20. (RQ:zlw-opl:R)

  21. (l), balm (gl)

  22. (hyper)

  23. lotion, balm (gl)

  24. (syn)

  25. embalming substance

  26. (l), balm (gl)

  27. (l) (rfclarify)

  28. unction, balm, salve, unguent

  29. (l) (gloss)

  30. conditioner

  31. balm, (l) (gloss)

  32. (uxi)