
suomi-englanti sanakirja

Uranus englannista suomeksi

  1. Uranos

  2. Uranus

  1. Uranos

  2. Uranus

  3. Substantiivi

Uranus englanniksi

  1. (senseid)(topics) The seventh planet in our system, discovered in 1781 by (w).

  2. (syn)

  3. {{quote-journal

  4. (senseid)(topics) The Greek god who personified the sky and heavens and fathered the Titans. Roman counterpart: Caelus.

  5. (senseid) (l)

  6. (l)

  7. (senseid)(C)(l) (planet)

  8. (senseid)(topics)(l) (planet)

  9. Uranus (Roman god)

  10. Uranus (planet)

  11. (senseid) (topics) Uranus (qualifier)

  12. Caelus (gloss) Note: The Greek deity Uranus is ''(l)''

  13. (senseid)(C)(l) (gloss)

  14. (senseid) (C) Uranus

  15. (senseid) Uranus

  16. Uranus (q)

  17. the sky (''personified as a god in Greek mythology'').

  18. (senseid)(topics)Uranus (gloss)

  19. (senseid)(topics)(l) (gloss)

  20. (senseid)(topics)Uranus (Greek god)

  21. (senseid)(C)(l), the seventh planet

  22. (topics) Uranus (planet)

  23. (topics) Uranus (god)