


  1. narttu, naaraskoira

  2. alatyyliä|halventava|k=en veemäinen nainen, narttu, ämmä, kusipää

  3. kuva jokin tyly tai veemäinen

  4. halventava|slangia|k=en toisen (homo-)seksuaalisen hyväksikäytön uhrina oleva

Esimerkkejä bitch sanan käytöstä:

She is such a 'bitch'!

Life can be a 'bitch'!



  1. koiraeläin, narttu, naaraskettu, siitosnarttu, ikävä ihminen, ällötys, röyhkeä narttu, kusipää, ämmä, valittaa, purnata, nurkua, mekastaa, marista, murista, nurista, mustamaalata, panetella, ruikuttaa, mukista, narista, motkottaa, jupista.

Lisää synonyymejää




kusipää, röyhkeä narttu


narttu A female dog or other canine, particularly a recent mother.

My bitch just had puppies: theyre so cute!''

puhekieltä A despicable or disagreeable, aggressive person, typically a woman or man considered effeminate in some way. (defdate)

Ann gossiped about me and mocked my work; sometimes she can be a real bitch!

1913, D. H. Lawrence, Sons and Lovers, I. iv. 60:
'Look at the children, you nasty little bitch!' he sneered.
1959, William S. Burroughs, Naked Lunch, page 70
HASSAN: "You cheap Factualist bitch! Go and never darken my rumpus room again!"
2016 June 16, Jenna Johnson, " Donald Trump Calls Her 'Crooked Hillary,' but His Fans Just Say 'B----'", Washington Post:
Although some women may casually use the term among friends or as a sign of empowerment, the b-word is still widely considered a particularly aggressive and demeaning insult when hurled at a woman, especially if it comes from a man.
puhekieltä A submissive person, often female, who does what others want; a slave. (defdate)

Dude, dont be such a bitch. Assert yourself.''

Do you have to ask your man before you do everything? You must be the bitch in the relationship.

1999 September 23, Chris Sheridan, “This House Is Freakin’ Sweet”, “Peter, Peter, Caviar Eater”, Family Guy, season 2, episode 1, Fox Broadcasting Company
Now that you're stinking rich, we'd gladly be your bitch.
puhekieltä (non-gloss definition) (defdate)
puhekieltä Friend. (defdate)

What’s up, my bitch?

How my bitches been doin?''

puhekieltä A complaint, especially when the complaint is unjustified.
puhekieltä A difficult or confounding problem.

Level 5 was a real bitch, don’t you think?

Thats a bitch of a question.''

puhekieltä A queen (playing card), particularly the queen of spades in the card game of hearts.
puhekieltä Something unforgiving and unpleasant.

Karmas a bitch.''

puhekieltä place Place; situation

Im 'bout to get up outta this bitch.''


bitch rimmaa näiden kanssa:

high tech, hi-tech, sandwich, brunch, kitsch

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