
suomi-englanti sanakirja

bitch englannista suomeksi

  1. mukista

  2. kusipää, röyhkeä narttu, ämmä

  3. panetella, valittaa, ruikuttaa

  4. narttu, naaraskettu

  5. helvetin hankala homma, paska homma, paskamainen homma

  6. valitus

  1. Substantiivi

  2. narttu, naaraskoira dog, naaraskettu fox, naarassusi wolf

  3. narttu, ämmä

  4. ämmä

  5. kamu

  6. akka

  7. Verbi

  8. haukkua, nalkuttaa

bitch englanniksi

  1. A female dog or other canine, ''particularly'' a recent mother.

  2. (ux)

  3. {{quote-journal|en|year=1953|journal=LIFE|volume=34|number=6|page=110

  4. A promiscuous woman, slut, whore.Geoffrey Hughes, ''Encyclopedia of Swearing: The Social History of Oaths, Profanity, Foul Language, and Ethnic Slurs in the English-Speaking World'', Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, 2006:The early applications were to a promiscuous or sensual woman, a metaphorical extension of the behavior of a bitch in heat. Herein lies the original point of the powerful insult ''son of a bitch'', found as ''biche sone'' ca. 1330 in ''Arthur and Merlin'' ... while in a spirited exchange in the ''Chester Play'' (ca. 1400) a character demands: “Whom callest thou queine, skabde bitch?” (“Who are you calling a whore, you miserable bitch?”).

  5. A despicable or disagreeable, aggressive person, usually a woman. (defdate)

  6. (RQ:Burton Melancholy)

  7. (RQ:Lawrence Sons and Lovers)

  8. (RQ:William Burroughs Naked Lunch)

  9. A woman.

  10. (quote-song)

  11. A man considered weak, effeminate, timid or pathetic in some way

  12. An obviously gay man.

  13. A submissive person who does what others want; a man forced or coerced into a homoerotic relationship. (defdate)

  14. 1999 September 23, Chris Sheridan, “This House Is Freakin’ Sweet”, “Peter, Peter, Caviar Eater”, ''Family Guy'', season 2, episode 1, Fox Broadcasting Company

  15. Now that you're stinking rich, we'd gladly be your bitch.
  16. (non-gloss definition) (defdate)

  17. Friend. (defdate)

  18. A complaint, especially when the complaint is unjustified.

  19. A difficult or confounding problem.

  20. A queen card, particularly the of spades in the game of hearts.

  21. (cot)

  22. Something unforgiving and unpleasant.

  23. (RQ:Fry Liar) he wrote to me last week telling me about an incredible bitch of a row blazing there on account of someone having been and gone and produced an unofficial magazine called ''Raddled'', full of obscene libellous (magazine)|Oz-like filth. And what I though, what Sammy and I thought, was—why not?

  24. Place; situation

  25. Tea (gloss).

  26. {{quote-text|en|year=1824|title=Gradus Ad Cantabrigiam: Or, New University Guide to the Academical Customs, and Colloquial Or Cant Terms Peculiar to the University of Cambridge, Observing Wherein It Differs from Oxford|page=131

  27. A queen.

  28. To behave or act as a bitch.

  29. To criticize spitefully, often for the sake of complaining rather than in order to have the problem corrected.

  30. {{quote-text|en|year=2008|author=Patterson Hood|title=The Righteous Path

  31. To spoil, to ruin.

  32. {{quote-book|en|year=1924|author=Ford Madox Ford|title=Some Do Not…|publisher=Penguin|year_published=2012|series=Parade's End|page=162

  33. (quote-book)

  34. (l) (gloss)

  35. (syn)

  36. (l) (gloss)