Tarkoititko: 4H-kerho

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englanti (n-g)


''W‐O‐R‐D spells "word"

We, therefore, the represen‐

tatives of the United States

Happiness ends with -ness.

ultra‐ambitious (to indicate both aes are pronounced)

I must re‐press the shirt (to avoid confusion with repress)


"real‐world examples" (but "examples are from the real world")

nineteenth‐ and twentieth‐century

1789-07-14 the date of the first Bastille Day

W‐w‐would you marry me?

This is a cat‐astrophe! (a catastrophe involving cats)

G‐d for God


secretary-general; yellow-green; a here-today-gone-tomorrow attitude; kitchen-dinette-office

a has-been; cholesterol-free; short-changing


rimmaa näiden kanssa:

suklaa-, valkea-, mega-, giga-, haja-, laaka-, raaka-, taka-, deka-, seka-

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