


  1. kiihkeä

  2. kiivas

  3. innokas

  4. harras

Liittyvät sanat: zealot



  1. innostunut, innokas, fanaattinen, palavahenkinen, intohimoinen.

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fanaattinen, innokas, palavahenkinen, intohimoinen Full of zeal; ardent, fervent; exhibiting enthusiasm or strong passion.
1791, w:James Boswell|James Boswell, The life of Samuel Johnson, new ed. (1831) by w:John Wilson Croker|John Wilson Croker, volume 1, page 238:

Johnson was truly zealous for the success of "The Adventurer;" and very soon after his engaging in it, he wrote the following letter:
1896, w:Andrew Dickson White|Andrew Dickson White, A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom (2004 edition), page 122:
Doubtless many will exclaim against the Roman Catholic Church for this; but the simple truth is that Protestantism was no less zealous against the new scientific doctrine.
1940, Foster Rhea Dulles, America Learns to Play: A history of popular recreation, 1607-1940, page 61:
(..)and there were few more zealous dancers at the fashionable balls in the Raleigh Tavern at Williamsburg.
2011 April 4, "http://content.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,2058044_2060338_2060079,00.html Newt Gingrich," Time (retrieved 9 Sept 2013):
Newt Gingrich . . . left Congress in 1998, following GOP midterm-election losses that many blamed on his zealous pursuit of Bill Clinton's impeachment.


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talous, maatalous, tehomaatalous, rahatalous, puutarhatalous, energiatalous, sähköenergiatalous, karjatalous, siipikarjatalous, sekatalous

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