


  1. slangia|furry-alakulttuuri|k=en pano, kyberseksisessio pörröiseksi eläimeksi pukeutuneena tai sellaista roolipelaten

  2. slangia|furry-alakulttuuri turriporno (tyylilajina)


englanti puhekieltä Representing the bark of a fox (especially while mating).
puhekieltä To express happiness, to state that something is sexy.
puhekieltä A bark.
puhekieltä The act of yiffing.
puhekieltä Pornography of furry furries (fictional anthropomorphic animal characters).

Do you draw yiff?

puhekieltä To bark (said of foxes).
puhekieltä To bark like a fox (especially in a sexual way).
puhekieltä To have sex, to mate (said of animals, especially foxes).
puhekieltä To propose cybersex.
(rfdat) w:John Lydgate|John Lydgate Fall of Princes:
Yiff ther was lak, thou woldest crie & pleyne.
And yiff that trust with pryncis wil nat tarie,Litil merueile thouh the peeple varie (..)
(rfdat) w:Geoffrey Chaucer|Geoffrey Chaucer:
(..) That yiff that god that hevene and erthe madeWolde haue a love For beaute and goodnessAnd womanhede and trouthe and semelynesse …
(alternative form of)
1393, w:Jean d’Arras|Jean d’Arras Roman de Melusine:
Another ordre to you yiff I shall,A knyght will you mak of full hye degreAs your brethren ben named ryght roiall.


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