
englanti puhekieltä (eye dialect of)
1992, Mary Jane Staples, Sergeant Joe
'Still, yer got nice looks,' said Ella.
puhekieltä (eye dialect of), yes.
puhekieltä (eye dialect of), you are.
1991, Kathleen Dayus, Where Theres Life'', London: Virago Press Ltd
Yer a lotta nosey parkers.
1997, (w), (w), iv:
‘Ah, go boil yer heads, both of yeh,’ said (w). ‘Harry – yer a wizard.’
1991, Thomas Hayden, The Killing Frost, London: Random Century Group
'Make yer way down to the station,' he said.

1997, (w), (w), iv:

‘last Las’ time I saw you, you was only a baby,’ said the giant. ‘yeh Yeh look a lot like yer dad, but yeh’ve got yer mum’s eyes.’

Either of the letters ъ and ь in Cyrillic alphabets, which originally represented phonemically the ultra-short vowels in Slavic languages.
(monikko) yar||chicken, hen|lang=kw
place, location.


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