white label

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white label

  1. katu.

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englanti puhekieltä A rebranded product – a generically manufactured product, branded with the marketer's or retailer's trade dress.
puhekieltä An unbranded product – a brand name product which has had a white label applied to remove branding so that it can be resold for cheaper without undercutting the value of the brand.http://lib.store.yahoo.net/lib/3btech/itemcondition.htmlwhitelabel Item Condition at 3B Tech: "White Label"
puhekieltä A vinyl record with a white label or white background (rather than artwork), typically used for test records or promotion.
2014, Chris Cunningham, quoted in Piers Martin, Aphex Twin: ‘His music is a perfect mix of mystery and adrenaline’ (in The Guardian) https://www.theguardian.com/music/2014/sep/19/aphex-twin-richard-james-bjork-ian-rankin
I started going to the record exchange in Camden two or three times a week to look for the Rephlex white labels or test pressings that would end up there. I actually got one of the original Caustic Window vinyl LPs from there.


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