

  1. (brittienglantia) kiukuttelu, mankuminen



kitistä, narista, inistä puhekieltä To complain, especially in an annoying or persistent manner.

Argh! He has been whinging about it all night, even though he knows there's nothing we can do.

puhekieltä To whine.

I know it won't help but sometimes it feels better to whinge about the things that annoy me.

2012, John Lyons, The Australian, 1st Dec issue, Action stations as sea giants stay vigilant on the frontline
"You know the problem these days with young people? Get them to carry a 500-pound bomb and within 30 seconds they're making noises," he says, imitating a whingeing sound.
puhekieltä A cry.

Her whinges grew even shriller and more annoying the longer we had to listen to them.

puhekieltä A peevish complaint.

I know you dont like it, but your whinges won't solve the problem!''


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