

  1. osasto, komentotorni, ohjaushytti.

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ohjaushytti puhekieltä An enclosed compartment, on the deck of a vessel such as a fishing boat, from which it may be navigated; on a larger vessel it is the bridge or pilothouse.
puhekieltä The enclosed structure around side paddlewheels on a steamboat.
puhekieltä A prehistoric structure from the Iron Age, found in Scotland, characteristically including an outer wall within which a circle of stone piers (bearing a resemblance to the spokes of a wheel) form the basis for lintel arches supporting corbelled roofing with a hearth at the hub.
puhekieltä A pitch location which is favorable to the hitter.


puhekieltä A person's expertise.


wheelhouse rimmaa näiden kanssa:

house, open house

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