

  1. rak|de|auf vetoa jstak


englanti puhekieltä To make wet; to wet
1951, (w), (w), Vintage Books (2012), ISBN 978-0-679-74557-0, http://books.google.com/books?id=SdY3s2qBPUoC&pg=PA73&dq=wettened page 73:
Her eyelids drooped as though the lashes weighed intolerably; with the tip of her tongue she wettened her very red lips.
To whet, hone or rub on with something for the purpose of sharpening an object (typically a blade)
puhekieltä To prepare, make preparations
(nl-noun form of)
to bet

wetten, dass… — (try to) make sure that something is safe

puhekieltä to bet


wetten rimmaa näiden kanssa:

sitten, nytten

Lisää riimejä

Läheisiä sanoja

weber, wellerismi, wessi, western, whippet, whisky

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