

  1. väritön, kelmeä, kalvakka.

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kelmeä puhekieltä grown Grown.
(inflection of).
puhekieltä plural simple present form of (l)
1540, (w), Second Edition, Preface

And they that occupye them been in muche savegarde, and have greate consolacyon, and been the readyer unto all goodnesse, the slower to all evyll: and if they have done anything amysse, anone even by the sight of the bookes, theyr conscvences been admonished, and they waxen sory and ashamed of the facte.
1579, (w), ''(w)
When the rayne is faln, the cloudes wexen cleare.
(circa) (w), (w), II, i
And then the whole quire hold their hips and laugh,
And waxen in their mirth and neeze and swear
A merrier hour was never wasted there.
Made of wax; covered with wax.


Of or pertaining to wax.
Having the pale smooth characteristics of wax, waxlike, waxy.
puhekieltä Easily effaced, as if written in wax.


waxen rimmaa näiden kanssa:

alkaen, alun alkaen, juurta jaksaen, huomioon ottaen, stilleben, eeden, kahden, kohden, nähden, tähden

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